[ANN] London Ruby User Group - 10th December 2007

Hi all,

The London Ruby User Group will be having it's December meeting this coming

Time: 6:30pm onwards
Location: the Skills Matter offices at 1 Sekforde Street, EC1R 0BEL[1]
Closest tube: Farringdon
Important: Please register attendance with our hosts[2] (more below)


1. "Rails CMS Roundup" - Thomas R. Koll will present a roundup of the
current crop of Rails CMS solutions as well as explaining how easy it is to
embed them into existing sites.
2. "Ruby 1.9" - I will attempt to distill the insanely detailed information
on eigenclass.org[3] into an overview of the changes in the upcoming
1.9release of our favourite language.

We aim to finish up the talks by around 8pm and then head to the pub round
the corner, The Crown Tavern[4], shortly after for drinks and conversation.
If you want more details about any of this (the talks, the venue, the pub,
or just LRUG in general) it can all be found on the LRUG site[5].


If you plan on coming make sure that you register before the day (ideally
before the weekend) with our hosts Skills Matter on their website[2]. Our
usual room only has room for about 80 people and whilst Skills Matter can
book a larger venue they need a bit more notice. Last month we had to turn
non-registrants away due to over crowding and last-minute registrations so
it really helps everyone out if you register sooner.



[2] http://www.skillsmatter.com/lrug
[3] http://eigenclass.org/hiki.rb?Changes+in+Ruby+1.9
[4] http://www.fancyapint.com/main_site/thepubs/pub199.html
[5] http://lrug.org/meetings/2007/11/21/december-2007-meeting/<http://lrug.org/meetings/2007/10/20/november-2007-meeting/>


Date: December 10th