[ANN] Localmemcache-0.0.1, efficiently sharing a Hashtable on a local Unix machine


today I am releasing the very first version of localmemcache (version 0.0.1).
Localmemcache is a library written in C that offers efficient sharing of a
hashtable between processes on a local Unix machine by taking advantage of
shared memory. Its Ruby binding aims to be similar to that of the MemCache
Ruby bindings.

* http://localmemcache.rubyforge.org/




require 'localmemcache'
$lm = LocalMemCache.new :namespace => "viewcounters"
$lm[:foo] = 1


Here's a quick speed comparison, made on an
Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5205 @ 1.86GHz:

Benchmark pseudo code:

2_000_000.times {
  index = rand(10000).to_s
  $hash.set(index, index)

MemCache: 253326.122 ms
LocalMemCache: 6055.552 ms
Ruby's Hash: 4963.313 ms

So in this example localmemcache is about 40 times faster than using memcache
locally, and about 20% slower than Ruby's hash.


# gem install localmemcache


Please contact me with bugs, suggestions and patches at: schween + snafu # de


Localmemcache: http://localmemcache.rubyforge.org/
Rubyforge project: http://localmemcache.rubyforge.org/

Source code is hosted on github: http://github.com/sck/localmemcache/


Sven C. Koehler

localmemcache-0.0.1.gem 251971dd68451656d756b8bd1abe5879