[ANN] Localmemcache-0.4.0: A persistent key-value database based on mmap()'ed shared memory


I am happy to release localmemcache 0.4.0 today. This version mainly
aims to make the API more complete and less confusing to users (thanks
for your feedback!). The version jump is mostly because of
incompatible API changes and that some of the adjustments required the
the database format to change which means that old .lmc files cannot be
read by 0.4.0.




  - New class for storing Ruby objects directly instead of just strings:

  - New instance methods: .clear() [clear/empty hashtable], .size(),
    .each_pair(), .random_pair()


  - LocalMemCache's class methods .clear() and .clear_namespace() have
    been renamed to .drop(). The :repair parameter is now called :force.
  - LocalMemCache.check_namespace() has been removed (use .check()

* http://localmemcache.rubyforge.org/


require 'localmemcache'
# 1. the memcached way
# $lm = LocalMemCache.new :namespace => :viewcounters
# 2. the GDBM way
#$lm = LocalMemCache.new :filename => "./viewcounters.lmc"
# 3. Using LocalMemCache::SharedObjectStorage
$lm = LocalMemCache::SharedObjectStorage.new :filename => "./viewcounters.lmc"
$lm[:foo] = 1


# gem install localmemcache

(In case rubyforge has not yet updated the mirrors, fetch the 0.3.0 gem
from here: http://github.com/sck/localmemcache/downloads and then do
# gem install localmemcache-0.4.0.gem )


Please contact me with bugs, suggestions and patches at: schween + snafu # de


Localmemcache: http://localmemcache.rubyforge.org/
Rubyforge project: http://localmemcache.rubyforge.org/

Source code is hosted on github: http://github.com/sck/localmemcache/


Sven C. Koehler

4523cedca8e3ba8d5b51e611f0b24431 localmemcache-0.4.0.gem
c8d4be984ae5d115ef6e4deed40e7ea9 localmemcache-0.4.0.tar.gz