[ANN] gettext-2.1.0, gettext_activerecord-2.1.0, gettext_rails-2.1.0


Ruby-GetText-Package-2.1.0 and the families
(gettext-2.1.0, gettext_activerecord-2.1.0 and gettext_rails-2.1.0)
are now available.

Ruby-GetText-Package is the library/tools for message localization.

  * gettext - Message localization libraries and tools for all kind of apps/libs.
  * gettext_activerecord - ActiveRecord Localization
  * gettext_rails - Rails support with gettext.



== gettext-2.1.0
* Implemented parsing of translator comments (GNU gettext feature)
   [by Vladimir Dobriakov]
     --- foo.rb
     def foo
         # TRANSLATORS: Comments for translators here.
         # This will be extracted to po-files.

     --- foo.pot
     #. Comments for translators here.
     #. This will be extracted to po-files.
     #: foo.rb:4
     msgid "foo"
     msgstr ""

     The "TRANSLATORS:" keyword is the sign of translator comments.

* Refactor the directory structure.
   * Move files for runtime to lib/gettext/runtime/*.
   * Move files for development(rgettext/rmsgfmt) to
* Refactor parsers for po. po-message object is defined as GetText::PoMessage
   class. [by Vladimir Dobriakov, Masao Mutoh]
* Speed up when lots of objects are created to share the textdomain in each
   objects. [Reported by Gaël Séchaud.]
* Fix "%{foo.bar}" %{"foo.bar".to_sym => "a"} doesn't work.
   [Bug#26663, Reported by Danilo Castilho]
* lib/gettext.rb: Fixed to work unless gem. [Reported by Vladimir Dobriakov]
* Fixed a wrong String literal in a CGI sample.
   [Bug #26531, by Eugene Mikhailov]
* Update license information(explicit to use ruby's or LGPL).
   [Pointed out by Masateru Yoshikawa]
* Code cleanup.

== gettext_activerecord-2.1.0
* Support activerecord 2.3.2, 2.3.3, 2.3.4[by hallelujah]
* Update to work with gettext-2.1.0.
* make test task visible in "rake -T" [by Vladimir Dobriakov]
* Update to user column_mapping. [by hallelujah]
* Update license information (explicit to use Ruby's or LGPL).
   [Pointed out by Masateru Yoshikawa]
* Fixed bugs [by hallelujah, Vladimir Dobriakov, Masao Mutoh]

== gettext_rails-2.1.0
* Support Rails-2.3.2, 2.3.3, 2.3.4.
* Fixed to work distance_of_time_in_words.
   [Reported by Mitko Kostov, Bart ten Brinke]
* Updated version/dependencies.
* Update license information (explicit to use Ruby's or LGPL).
   [Pointed out by Masateru Yoshikawa]

  * Rails-2.3.1 or earlier aren't supported.

* homepage
* rubyforge
* github

* Download

* Ruby-GetText-Package HOWTOs
* Ruby-GetText-Package HOWTO for Ruby on Rails
* HOWTO Migrate rails-2.1.x(gettext-1.93.0) to rails-2.3.2(gettext-2.0.0)
* Ruby-GetText-Package documents for Translators

Screenshots in 23 languages (Sample Rails blog) are:

Masao Mutoh <mutomasa / gmail.com>