[ANN] gettext-2.0.2, gettext_activerecord-2.0.2, gettext_rails-2.0.2


Ruby-GetText-Package-2.0.2 and the families
(gettext-2.0.2, gettext_activerecord-2.0.2 and gettext_rails-2.0.2)
are now available.

Ruby-GetText-Package is the library/tools for message localization.

  * gettext - Message localization libraries and tools for all kind of apps/libs.
  * gettext_activerecord - ActiveRecord Localization
  * gettext_rails - Rails support with gettext.



== gettext-2.0.2
* Support ruby-1.9.1 style format string such as %<foo>d.
* Apply new Locale.set_app_language_tags and Locale.candidates.
   [Suggested by Vladimir Dobriakov]
* Enhance to support ruby-1.9.x [by OZAWA Sakuro]
   * poparser work with proper encoding.
   * string.rb: #bytesize alias to #size in older ruby version such as 1.8.5.
* Fixed bugs
   * n_() to work when Plural-Forms line in po-file is not correct.
     [Reported by Sava Chankov (Bug#25570)]
   * GetText::Locale.default_rules_path : $LOAD_PATH is not well parsed.
     [by hallelujah]
   * locale_path.rb: Fixed warning message.

== gettext_activerecord-2.0.2
    * Update version
    * Update Dutch translation [by Bart ten Brinke]
    * Enhance ruby-1.9.1 support.

== gettext_rails-2.0.2
   * Update Dutch translation [by Bart ten Brinke]
   * Apply the gettext-2.0.2 changes((don't use bindtextdomain
      with :supported_language_tags)
   * Fix the bug of sample.

  * Rails-2.3.1 and earlier aren't supported.

Thanks to
hallelujah, Sava Chankov, OZAWA Sakuro, Vladimir Dobriakov,
Bart ten Brinke

* homepage
* rubyforge
* github

* Download

* Ruby-GetText-Package HOWTOs
* Ruby-GetText-Package HOWTO for Ruby on Rails
* HOWTO Migrate rails-2.1.x(gettext-1.93.0) to rails-2.3.2(gettext-2.0.0)
* Ruby-GetText-Package documents for Translators

Screenshots in 23 languages (Sample Rails blog) are:

Masao Mutoh <mutomasa@gmail.com>