this is my first announcement here. I hope I'm not too verbose, but I want to be sure you see the usefulness of this
In my development of web interfaces, I often have to display rows coming from a database in a HTML table, with some fields being hyperlinks (to, for example, a details page of the row), with navigation links when the list returned is to long to be displayed on one page, with possibility to sort by the values in a certain column.
I developed such a component for cgikit and called it CKHTMLTable.
You can download it at http://www.raphinou.com/CKHTMLTable-latest.tgz and find a web page on the web with some explanations:
A little example is also available for download at http://www.raphinou.com/CKHTMLTableExample.tgz
If you don't know cgikit, I can only encourage you to take a look at it (http://www.spice-of-life.net/cgikit/index_en.html). It works with three files: html "template", binding file, and ruby code file and has inspiration in WebObjects.
The component makes it very easy to display data in a HTML table, with possibly navigation links and sorting.
For example, to display an array in a table, here what is needed:
#html template
<cgikit name="ExampleTable1"/>
#ckd binding
ExampleTable1 : CKHTMLTable{
     item_list = list;
     fields = fields;
#ruby file
@list = [ ["r1f1","r1f2","r1f3"],
@fields = [ "field 1",
                     "field 2",
                     "field 3"
To hide a column, just add this
#ckd binding, in the ExampleTable1
linked_fields = linked_fields2;
#ruby file
@linked_fields2 = LinkedFields.new
@linked_fields2.add_hidden "field 1"
To have "field 2" being a link to the Details element, do this in your ruby file:
         link = LinkSpec.new "field 2"
         link.set_query("detail_value","field_value(\"field 1\")")
         @linked_fields2.add_link link
If you want to know more, look at the working example available for downlod.
Hoping this will be useful to some of you.