[ANN] Canada on Rails - 15 Speakers To Debut at the First Ruby on Rails Conference in Vancouver, BC, Canada

Canada on Rails (http://canadaonrails.com) has just announced that 15
speakers will head up the first ever Ruby on Rails conference in Vancouver,
BC on April 13-14th, with two days afterwards for a Workshop held by Steven
Baker on Agile Rails Development.

We at Canada on Rails originally only planned for 10 speakers to be flown
in, but pre-registrations have been going so well, and honestly, we just had
to pick all of these remarkable speakers and get them into Vancouver for
this sure to be amazing - first ever in the world - Ruby on Rails

So, before I tell you who these guys (and gal) are, you might want to go
purchase that ticket online first at http://store.osevents.com. You have
exactly 21 hours and 30 minutes to get your ticket for only $175 CAD, after
tonight, it goes up to regular price of $250.

We are expecting a sell-out crowd for the event, and you can be sure it’s
going to be the biggest turnout Open Source Events has seen yet.

Without any further delay, here they are:

  1. David Hansson, creator of Ruby on Rails
  2. Thomas Fuchs, creator of script.aculo.us
  3. Dave Astels, published author on Test Driven Development
  4. David Black, creator of SCANF, RCRArchive
  5. Joe O’Brien, developer with ThoughtWorks
  6. James Adam, creator of Rails-Engines
  7. Steven Baker, creator of RSPEC
  8. Michael Buffington, cofounder of Price.com, co-architect of
  9. Robby Russell, founder of Planet Argon
  10. Geoffrey Grosenbach, host of Ruby on Rails Podcast
  11. Kyle Shank, lead developer of RadRails and Rubish
  12. Jeremy Voorhis, lead architect at Planet Argon
  13. Alex Bunardzic, founder of Jooto
  14. Sebastian Kanthak, creator of FileColumn plugin
  15. Amy Hoy, future author of a “Right-Brained Guide” to Ruby on Rails

For more background on each speaker, you can read their full length bios by

The schedule is currently being reworked now that we have 5 additional
speakers to fit into the original timetable. Please bear with us as we work
out the finer points and we will publish this soon as we can.

To stay up to date on all the breaking news, be sure to register for the
Open Source Events newsletter
(http://newsletter.osevents.com/?p=subscribe&id=1). We often include various
treasures buried in the messages as well :slight_smile:

I look forward to seeing many of you at the upcoming conference!

Warmest regards,

 Nathaniel S. H. Brown                           http://nshb.net