Yukihiro - Please ensure backwards compatibility

I had this “problem”, too. I can’t see why Ruby is so verbose on
and doesn’t interpret foo.gsub[!](“bar”, …) as foo.gsub[!](/bar/,

First, because there is no such thing as magic*.

Secondly, I can’t speak for Matz, but when I want to use a regex, I
use a regex. I think ruby is perfectly justified in doing the same.
I think of “bar” as “match exactly ‘bar’”, but /bar/ as “match
anything with ‘bar’ in it”.

Should gsub() take a string (i.e. s.gsub!(“foo”, “bar”)) and do the
equivalent of:

s.replace(“bar”) if s == “foo”

(the non-bang version is left as an exercise for the reader)

? Don’t know. Don’t see it as a need, really. The “g” in “gsub”
isn’t really relevant in this context anyway; it would probably be
more meaningful in sub().

Either way, nothing to get upset over, certainly. Understand what’s
going on, fix old code that needs to be fixed, and move on.


  • personal pet peeve of “cutesy” terms. Probably a character flaw of mine.

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