I've written several programs that use YAML to store their
configuration files, and I generally run them on Ruby 1.8.2.
Occasionally we have a setup with a Ruby 1.8.1 or older version around
and noticed that the YAML module on these older versions of Ruby
behaves differently from that of 1.8.2. In particular, this YAML
"--- :abc"
produces different results from 1.8.1 and 1.8.2. Under 1.8.2, I get
the expected behavior, and
YAML::load("--- :abc") => :abc
However, under 1.8.1:
YAML:load("--- :abc") => ":abc"
This totally breaks my config file scheme and is incredibly annoying.
Apparently, copying the YAML module from 1.8.2 to 1.8.1 doesn't fix
this behavior. I've had to write a short function to fix this brain
damage, but I wonder if there is a better way.
Dido Sevilla a écrit :
I've written several programs that use YAML to store their
configuration files, and I generally run them on Ruby 1.8.2.
Occasionally we have a setup with a Ruby 1.8.1 or older version around
and noticed that the YAML module on these older versions of Ruby
behaves differently from that of 1.8.2. In particular, this YAML
"--- :abc"
produces different results from 1.8.1 and 1.8.2. Under 1.8.2, I get
the expected behavior, and
YAML::load("--- :abc") => :abc
However, under 1.8.1:
YAML:load("--- :abc") => ":abc"
This totally breaks my config file scheme and is incredibly annoying.
Apparently, copying the YAML module from 1.8.2 to 1.8.1 doesn't fix
this behavior. I've had to write a short function to fix this brain
damage, but I wonder if there is a better way.
I've already answered, but my post doesn't appear in newsgroup. I retry:
YAML::load( "--- !ruby/sym abc" ) => :abc
Lionel Thiry