YAML iteration


This is the YAML

test: tiscali1
url: http://tiscali3-test.vizumi.com/
first_name: aidy
surname: smith
email: 'testautomated6@googlemail.com'
password: password
registration: KJHDF123

test: tiscali2
url: http://tiscali3-test.vizumi.com/
first_name: aidy
surname: smith222
email: 'testautomated6@googlemail.com'
password: password
registration: KJHDF122

This is the code that is reading it:

def SmokeTest.create_from_yaml_file(filename)
  data = YAML.load_file(filename)
  obj = new(data['test'], data['url'])
  obj.register(data['first_name'], data['surname'], data['email'],
               data['password'], data['registration'])


tiscali = SmokeTest.create_from_yaml_file('C:\test.yaml')

I would like to read the first YAML hash first, then the second and
any more, If the hash's are commneted out, i would like the data and
test to be ignored.


aidy wrote:



I would like to read the first YAML hash first, then the second and
any more, If the hash's are commneted out, i would like the data and
test to be ignored.

I believe you want YAML.load_documents: http://ruby-doc.org/stdlib/libdoc/yaml/rdoc/classes/YAML.html#M010373
Not sure how comments work in YAML though.
