YAML extension not honouring the options passed to .to_yaml

As outlined on http://yaml4r.sourceforge.net/doc/ I triesd setting some
options in the hash passed to .to_yaml and nothing seems to be making
any difference:

out_file.puts newmaster.to_yaml(:SortKeys => true)

newmaster is a hash and the output is definitely not being sorted.
Unfortunately using newmaster.sort.to_yaml changes the structure of the
yaml being output significantly (seeing as it is converted to and array
of arrrays) and that is not desirable). Can anyone shed some light on
this? I am using vanilla 1.8.4 install on windows and presumably the
YAML.rb that shipped with that because I haven't installed anything



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Chad Thatcher wrote:

As outlined on http://yaml4r.sourceforge.net/doc/ I triesd setting some
options in the hash passed to .to_yaml and nothing seems to be making
any difference:

out_file.puts newmaster.to_yaml(:SortKeys => true)

newmaster is a hash and the output is definitely not being sorted.
Unfortunately using newmaster.sort.to_yaml changes the structure of the
yaml being output significantly (seeing as it is converted to and array
of arrrays) and that is not desirable). Can anyone shed some light on
this? I am using vanilla 1.8.4 install on windows and presumably the
YAML.rb that shipped with that because I haven't installed anything

:SortKeys isn't supported in 1.8.4. I don't know about more recent versions.

Here's the hack I use:

class Hash
   def to_yaml( opts = {} )
     YAML::quick_emit( object_id, opts ) do |out|
       out.map( taguri, to_yaml_style ) do |map|
# if opts[:SortKeys] ## fails in nesting, so let's just always sort
           sorted_keys = keys
           sorted_keys = begin
             sorted_keys.sort_by {|k| k.to_s} rescue sorted_keys

           sorted_keys.each do |k|
             map.add( k, fetch(k) )
# else
# each do |k, v|
# map.add( k, v )
# end
# end


       vjoel : Joel VanderWerf : path berkeley edu : 510 665 3407

Joel, you are a total hero and saviour, that works like a dream. Thanks
a million!!


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