Xml schema api

Hi Gavri:

  I've written something similar to what you've
described. WHat it does it takes an xml schema and
generates ruby classes that match the structure in the
schema. I can then manipulate these classes and the
output the xml. I support most constructs (just the
ones I needed). At some point I'd like to open source
it, but time is low. Related, if I can ever find the
time (HA!) I want to add dtd and xml schema validation
to REXML (I dropped Sean about the DTD part coz I'd
written some DTD parsing code and saw that it could be
extended to do DTD validation and he said he'd welcome
it if I did it).


     Is there a xml schema api


ruby library?

Here are the docs for Apache's Java implementation:



--- Gavri Fernandez <gavri.fernandez@gmail.com> wrote:

My intention is create a generator that produces
code based on an xml
schema. This output code, of course, is used to
manipulate and more
importantly _represent_ instances of the schema.
(i'm creating a
rest-client generator)

If there is no xml-schema api lib available for
ruby, what is the best
alternative way of doing what I want?

Or is all of this wrong and there is an easier
