Writing an image to file

I have images stored in a database. I now need to read those images from the database and store to files (using ActiveRecord in a system where $KCODE = 'u'; require 'jcode' is used (if that matters...)).

I've tried a couple of approaches but it's only giving me destroyed images (when served to a browser using webrick they look perfectly alright).

I've tried:

     str_bin = ""
     self.data.each_byte do |b|
       str_bin << b
     File.open("public/published/#{self.name}", "w") do |file|
       file.print str_bin


     File.open("public/published/#{self.name}", "w") do |file|
       file.syswrite self.data


     File.open("public/published/#{self.name}", "w") do |file|
       file.print self.data

All with the exact same result.

I suppose there must be a simple way to solve this?



Does using "wb" instead of "w" in File.open make a difference?

Hi All,

Get all images from given URL

Desktop Application from jazzez

Kindly go through below link and download the EXE file.


Install in Windows machine and enjoy with impressed images



Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.

Yep, that worked. Thank you very much.


Matthew Moss skrev:


Does using "wb" instead of "w" in File.open make a difference?