Writing a game, trying to make dynamic loops

Hey there,

This is likely very simple, but I haven't stumbled across the right code

I want the following to take place:
class Player
puts "How many players?"
players = gets()
players.each { # Trying to make this loop run based on the number
                  entered, but writing it this way causes an error
  puts "Name of player?"
  playername = gets()
  # This is also where I get stuck. I want to make an object
    named after what is stored as playername
  playername = Player.new??? Doesn't seem to work

I did go through several Google searches, and I can't seem to find the
location of a break down on loops that run based on user input. Any
tips would be appreciated! :slight_smile:


PS: I hope this code was small enough to just toss in here. Sorry if
it's not!


Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.

Hello Nick,

it is, indeed, quite simple. gets returns the input as a string. Since you want it as an integer, convert it via to_i. Then, with the integer, you can use Integer#times instead of your each call, which will execute the block multiple times.

Your second problem is that you create a new player object (and assign it to your playername variable), but your objects of class Player are just hollow objects without any information (you seem to have an empty Player class). If you want those objects to store a name, do something like

   class Player
     def initialize( name )
       @name = name
     attr_reader :name

and then create your objects by Player.new( player_name_here ).

In general, I think you should see the documentation of the functions you want to use, and consider what they return vs. what you want. May I ask what tutorials you read on ruby (or programming in general)? Afaik all ruby tutorials cover these two topics.

Kind regards, Calvin

P.S.: Googling "ruby loop number" gives some results, of which the second mentions the #times method of integers. Just a heads up for future searches. :wink:

players = gets()
players.each { # Trying to make this loop run based on the number



On 24.03.2013 17:55, Nick G. wrote:

   playername = Player.new??? Doesn't seem to work

I figured out how to handle what I'm trying to accomplish by making an
array of the players.

Thanks for your help, Calvin!


Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.


Would you be happy accessing players by an array index?
eg. players[0].name would return player 1's name
players[2].score would return player 3's score etc.

Possibly not the best solution but I think it would work:

class Player
  def initialize(name)
    @name = name

puts "How many players?"
players = Array.new(gets.to_i) #.to_i converts the string to an integer if possible

# players is now an array the size of entered number and will look like this if player entered '3' [nil, nil, nil]

# map! lets you alter array elements and goes through them exactly as .each does
# have a look at the documentation for more info

n = 1
players.map! { |e|
  puts "Name of player #{n}?"
  e = Player.new(gets.chomp()) #chomp strips off the newline character

players[0] will give you access to your first player object
players[1] etc.

you could use players[1].name
or players[2].score to use your player methods once you've defined them

# inspecting the array gives you a list of Player objects

# you could instead use hashes to access your objects with some tweaks to the assignment process

# also are you sure you want objects named after what is set as the player name?


On 24 Mar 2013, at 16:55, "Nick G." <lists@ruby-forum.com> wrote:

Hey there,

This is likely very simple, but I haven't stumbled across the right code

I want the following to take place:
class Player
puts "How many players?"
players = gets()
players.each { # Trying to make this loop run based on the number
                 entered, but writing it this way causes an error
puts "Name of player?"
playername = gets()
# This is also where I get stuck. I want to make an object
   named after what is stored as playername
playername = Player.new??? Doesn't seem to work

I did go through several Google searches, and I can't seem to find the
location of a break down on loops that run based on user input. Any
tips would be appreciated! :slight_smile:


PS: I hope this code was small enough to just toss in here. Sorry if
it's not!

Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/\.

how about this?

puts "How many players?"
players = Array.new(gets.to_i) do |n|
  puts "Name of player #{n+1}?"


Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.

Hi Calvin,

Hmm...okay, that makes sense. I'm reading through the Book of Ruby, but
I got caught up with making objects via:

player1 = Player.new

The looping now works, but I'm stuck with storing this data properly.

puts("How many players?")
players = gets().to_i
x = 1
players.times do
  puts("Name of player #{x}?")
  x += 1

What could I add within the loop to make these new players store as a
variable I can recall? What can I add to a basic variable to add in
which player the loop is currently on as an additional character in the
variable? Is it something like this?:

player#{x} = Player.new(gets())

Thanks for your time (and patience)!

Calvin B. wrote in post #1103032:

Hello Nick,

it is, indeed, quite simple. gets returns the input as a string. Since
you want it as an integer, convert it via to_i. Then, with the integer,



Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/\.

puts "How many players?"
players = Array.new(gets.to_i) #.to_i converts the string to an integer if possible


n = 1
players.map! { |e|
  puts "Name of player #{n}?"
  e = Player.new(gets.chomp()) #chomp strips off the newline character

The assignment to `e' doesn't have any effect.

The above could be simpler written as:

   puts "How many players?"
   players = Array.new(gets.to_i)

   n = 1
   players.map! {
     puts "Name of player #{n}?"
     n += 1 # missing

BUT: map! isn't really needed here: the old array elements are
all `nil' and not used at all. Also, using a separate `n' to count
through the players is redundant.

To me a more natural solution would be something like this:

   puts "How many players?"
   number_of_players = gets.to_i

   players =
   1.upto(number_of_players) do |n|
     puts "Name of player #{n}?"
     players << Player.new(gets.chomp)

or maybe:

   puts "How many players?"
   number_of_players = gets.to_i

   players = (1..number_of_players).map do |n|
               puts "Name of player #{n}?"


Am 24.03.2013 21:06, schrieb Daniel Ferguson:


I'd rather use #times with #map:

players = Integer(gets).times.map do |i|
    puts "Name of player #{n+1}?"

Kind regards



On Mon, Mar 25, 2013 at 9:40 AM, Hans Mackowiak <lists@ruby-forum.com> wrote:

how about this?

puts "How many players?"
players = Array.new(gets.to_i) do |n|
  puts "Name of player #{n+1}?"

remember.guy do |as, often| as.you_can - without end