Working on a CGI

OK, here goes.

I’m planning to write a little CGI to manage a
small database.

What’s currently the best Ruby tool for this

My experience is limited to cgi.rb for the
most part.

I don’t think Borges is an option.

The server is Apache, and I’ll be using a
web provider (i.e., no root access to box).

The app is basically to associate keywords
with images. There is a fixed set of keywords.

Display a bunch of images on the left and a
bunch of checkboxes on the right:

(pic1) []first []second []third
(pic2) []first []second []third
(pic3) []first []second []third

The boxes will be initialized based on the
database. The user checks/unchecks any or
all of them, then presses Save. The database
is then updated.

Since I’ll occasionally add pix to the database,
I’ll probably generate the HTML on the fly (i.e.,
to facilitate adding keywords to a new set of

Database choice is not a big deal. I’ll likely
just use Marshal or PStore or DBM or something
equally silly. No one will access this but me,
so it will be strictly single-user.

Comments? All help welcome on- or off-list.
