Working from a string to an array

Supposing there's the following key-value:

    hash = {
      @bob: 42,
      @joe: 1,
      @tom: 16,
      @luc: 872,
      @mike: 32,

And we would like to transform those string such as:

    transform("Hello @bob!")
    # => ["Hello ", 42, "!"]
    transform("Today @bob and @mike are coding.")
    # => ["Today ", 42, " and ", 32, " are coding."]
    transform("Hello world.")
    # => ["Hello world."]
    transform("@tom? TOMCAST! HAHAHA")
    # => [16, " TOMCAST! HAHAHA"]

A method such as this transform() one seems not very hard to implement.
But according to you, want could be the more sexy way to process? With
Ruby 1.9.2 (or 1.9.3).



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hi Paul,

  well, i don't know how sexy it is :wink: ...but you could write a
`transform` method which splits the String given as its argument (using
#split,) into an Array. you could then use #gsub! to replace any
elements of the Array that match keys of the Hash with the value
associated with the key...

  gsub(pattern, hash) → new_str




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Here's a version which doesn't split the string into parts:

   hash = {

?> "bob"=> 42,
?> "joe"=> 1,
?> "tom"=> 16,
?> "luc"=> 872,
?> "mike"=> 32,
?> }
=> {"mike"=>32, "joe"=>1, "luc"=>872, "tom"=>16, "bob"=>42}

   def transform(str, hash)
     str.gsub(/@(\w+)/) { hash[$1] }

=> nil

   transform("Hello @bob!", hash)

=> "Hello 42!"

But it's not much harder to meet your original requirement:

def transform2(str, hash)
  str.split(/(@\w+)/).map { |x| x =~ /^@(.+)/ ? hash[$1] : x }

=> nil

transform2("Hello @bob!", hash)

=> ["Hello ", 42, "!"]


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Brian Candler wrote in post #1029644:

def transform2(str, hash)
  str.split(/(@\w+)/).map { |x| x =~ /^@(.+)/ ? hash[$1] : x }

=> nil

transform2("Hello @bob!", hash)

=> ["Hello ", 42, "!"]

Very cool solution! I didn't thought about using $1 after split.


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