Windows and http servers on ruby

I wrote custom webrick servlet which parses *.html files with embedded
ruby code. It works fine on Linux, but on Windows it doesn't work properly
because pictures that are supposed to be on a web page do not show.

What can I do?

require 'webrick'
include WEBrick

class CustomServlet < HTTPServlet::AbstractServlet
  def do_GET(req, resp)
  unless defined?(ERB)
    @logger.warn "#{self.class}: ERB not defined."
    raise HTTPStatus::Forbidden, "ERBHandler cannot work."
  #puts req.inspect
  #puts "++++ #{req.request_uri} +++++++++++++++"
  if File.stat(path).directory?
    resp.body << "\n<html><head><title>Directory</title></head><body>\n"
    resp.body << "<h2>Directory: #{req.path}</h2>"
    resp.body << '<a href="/">Root directory</a>'+"<br>\n"
    entries[1..-1].each {|x|
      resp.body << '<a href="' << uri
      resp.body << '/' if req.path[-1,1] != '/'
      resp.body << x << '">'
      x='Parent Directory' if x=='..'
      resp.body << x << "</a><br>\n"
    resp.body << "\n</body></html>"
        #puts 'going to process file '+path #load normal file
        if (path[-5..-1]=='.html' or path[-4..-1]=='.htm') #convert served string into code #run the code
      file=rhtml.result #copy result to another string
      resp.body << file
      resp.body << file
    end #if
  end #if

def start_webrick(config = {})
  config.update(:Port => 8080)
  server =
  yield server if block_given?
  ['INT', 'TERM'].each {|signal|
    trap(signal) {server.shutdown}

start_webrick {|server|

Jacek Podkanski wrote:

I wrote custom webrick servlet which parses *.html files with embedded
ruby code. It works fine on Linux, but on Windows it doesn't work properly
because pictures that are supposed to be on a web page do not show.

What can I do?


I don't know if this is your only issue, but there's no "/" (root) on Windows. Try a drive letter (e.g. 'c:\').



I don't know if this is your only issue, but there's no "/" (root) on
Try a drive letter (e.g. 'c:\').

I also tried that, when i wrote own server based on httpserver class. I
thought it was the issue but it wasn't, all i got was pc speaker


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