Win32ole not all methods work

Can someone explain what's going on here, and if there is a fix? Looks
like certain methods don't work, maybe because the type of object
returned isn't known.

require 'win32ole''Scripting.FileSystemObject').Drives.each{|drive|
    p [drive.driveLetter,drive.driveType,drive.shareName,drive.isReady,drive.path]}

# Generates:


# ["A", 1, "", false, "A:"]
# ["C", 2, "", true, "C:"]
# ["D", 4, "", false, "D:"]
# ["F", 3, "\\\\ntfs\\data", true, "F:"]
# ["H", 3, "\\\\ntfs\\users", true, "H:"]
# ["R", 3, "\\\\dyma\\r", true, "R:"]
# ["S", 3, "\\\\dyma\\s", true, "S:"]
# ["T", 3, "\\\\ntfs\\sales", true, "T:"]
# ["U", 3, "\\\\ntfs\\goldmine_ver4.0", true, "U:"]
# ["V", 3, "\\\\ntfs\\apps", true, "V:"]
# ["W", 2, "", true, "W:"]
# ["Y", 3, "\\\\Ntfs\\Data\\Medianet\\SRED", true, "Y:"]
# ["Z", 3, "\\\\NTFS\\users\\dm", true, "Z:"]'Scripting.FileSystemObject').Drives.each{|drive|
    p [drive.driveLetter,drive.driveType,drive.shareName,drive.isReady,drive.path,drive.serialNumber]}

# Generates:
# C:/Work/diskid.rb:4:in `method_missing': serialNumber (WIN32OLERuntimeError)
# OLE error code:800A0047 in <Unknown>
# <No Description>
# HRESULT error code:0x80020009
# Exception occurred from C:/Work/diskid.rb:4
# from C:/Work/diskid.rb:3:in `each'
# from C:/Work/diskid.rb:3

Both of those are working for me. I'm on win2k & WSH 5.6. What
version of WSH are you using?


Can someone explain what's going on here, and if there is a fix? Looks
like certain methods don't work, maybe because the type of object
returned isn't known.'Scripting.FileSystemObject').Drives.each{|drive|
    p [drive.driveLetter,drive.driveType,drive.shareName,drive.isReady,drive.path,drive.serialNumber]}

# Generates:
# C:/Work/diskid.rb:4:in `method_missing': serialNumber (WIN32OLERuntimeError)
# OLE error code:800A0047 in <Unknown>
# <No Description>
# HRESULT error code:0x80020009
# Exception occurred from C:/Work/diskid.rb:4
# from C:/Work/diskid.rb:3:in `each'
# from C:/Work/diskid.rb:3

It seems to me the correct behavier.

The following VBScript returns the runtime exception.

  Dim fso
  Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
  For each drive in fso.Drives
      WScript.Stdout.WriteLine drive.driveLetter
      WScript.Stdout.WriteLine drive.driveLetter
      WScript.Stdout.WriteLine drive.driveType
      WScript.Stdout.WriteLine drive.shareName
      WScript.Stdout.WriteLine drive.isReady
      WScript.Stdout.WriteLine drive.path
      ' The following line returns the runtime exception.
      WScript.Stdout.WriteLine drive.serialNumber

I think drive.isReady is false then, drive.serialNumber raise runtime
exception in VBScript.
And If, the VBScript raise the runtime exception, the Ruby script raise the
runtime exception in the similarly.
So, the following Ruby script as same as above sample,
raise Exception in drive.serialNumber.

  require 'win32ole''Scripting.FileSystemObject').Drives.each{|drive|
    p drive.driveLetter
    p drive.driveType
    p drive.shareName
    p drive.isReady
    p drive.path
    p drive.serialNumber # occur Exception if drive.isReady is false.

In my environment, if the drive is floppy drive or CDROM drive, then
occur the exception.


# C:/Work/diskid.rb:4:in `method_missing': serialNumber (WIN32OLERuntimeError)


# Exception occurred from C:/Work/diskid.rb:4

is correct behavior.

  Masaki Suketa


In message "win32ole not all methods work" on 05/04/02, BG - Ben Armstrong <> writes:

Excellent. Thanks. Adding an if drive.isReady to our code filters out
the floppy & CD-ROM (which we weren't interested in anyway) thereby
fixing our code.



On Mon, 2005-04-04 at 21:23 +0900, Masaki Suketa wrote:

I think drive.isReady is false then, drive.serialNumber raise runtime
exception in VBScript.