Philippe Lang wrote:
Jeff wrote:
Philippe Lang wrote:
I'm trying to launch the opening of a PDF document from within
ruby, under Windows XP. Adobe Acrobat shows up, but no document
appears. Does anyone see the error, or maybe has another better
(cross-platform) method?Not cross-platform, but try this:
filename = "myfile.pdf"
`start #{filename}`
If it's hard to see in your browser, I'm using the "backtick"
not the apostrophe, which will induce a system call. I'm assuming
Acrobat is installed as your handler for .pdf files.Jeff
softiesonrails.comWorks great, thanks a lot! I'll keep on trying the OLE way of
doing things: printing in the background could be useful too.
Here we are:
acrobat ='AcroExch.App')
doc ='AcroExch.AVDoc')"c:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Space-Bearing Paths\\Are\\Evil.pdf", "ok")
#doc.printpagesex(0, 0, false, true, true, false, true, true, true)
In order to discover the OLE Automation interfaces, I recommend this ruby program:
Does anyone know how to retreive and change the default printer maybe?
Philippe Lang
Attik System