Win32console and open3 incompatibility

Hi group,

A prize (or at least a big thank you) to anyone who can tell me why commenting in the 2nd line stops anything from being output.

require 'open3'
#require 'win32console'

Open3.popen2('svn info') do |stdin, stdout, wait_thr|
  stdout.each do |line|
     puts line

Extra bonus points will be awarded if you tell me how to fix it :slight_smile:


Hi group,

A prize (or at least a big thank you) to anyone who can tell me why commenting in the 2nd line stops anything from being output.

require 'open3'
#require 'win32console'

Open3.popen2('svn info') do |stdin, stdout, wait_thr|
  stdout.each do |line|
     puts line

Extra bonus points will be awarded if you tell me how to fix it :slight_smile:


Just came back to this and was able to workaround it by commenting out the line 'opts[:in] = in_r' in popen2. I don't really understand this area, but am recording my 'fix' for posterity :slight_smile:


-----Original Message-----
From: James French []
Sent: 02 February 2012 14:51
To: ruby-talk ML
Subject: win32console and open3 incompatibility