From: Park Heesob []
Sent: Saturday, April 29, 2006 8:07 PM
To: ruby-talk ML
Subject: Re: Win32API, CreateProcess and environmentHi,
>From: Daniel Berger <>
>To: (ruby-talk ML)
>Subject: Win32API, CreateProcess and environment
>Date: Sun, 30 Apr 2006 02:13:06 +0900
>Hi all,
>Ruby 1.8.4
>I'm working on a pure Ruby Process.create method. What I have below
>to work, except that if I attempt to pass an environment
string, it causes
>the app to die instantly. What am I doing wrong?
The 'notepad' process requires 'SystemRoot' environment
And the environment block must be separated by "\0"
and end with "\0\0".Here is modified code:
require 'Win32API'
params = 'LPLLLLLLPP'
CreateProcess ='kernel32','CreateProcess', params, 'I')
def create(hash={})
env = 0
if hash['environment']
env = hash['environment'].split(File::PATH_SEPARATOR) <<
"SystemRoot=#{ENV['SystemRoot']}" << "\0"
env = [env.join("\0")].pack('p*').unpack('L').firstend
startinfo = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
startinfo = startinfo.pack('LLLLLLLLLLLLSSLLLL')
procinfo = [0,0,0,0].pack('LLLL')
0, "notepad", 0, 0, 0, 0, env, 0, startinfo, procinfo
)return procinfo[8,4].unpack('L').first # pid
endp create() # ok
p create('environment'=>"PATH=C:\\;LIB=C:\\lib")Regards,
Park Heesob
Works great, thanks.
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