Win32-changenotify and modifying a file


I'm working with win32-changenofity library to listen for any changes in a directory. I'm interested in added, deleted and modified files. That's my code:


filter = ChangeNotify::FILE_NAME | ChangeNotify::DIR_NAME
abs_path = File.expand_path(dir), true, filter) do |cn|
   cn.wait do |events|
     events.each do |event|
       puts(event.action, event.file_name)

The problem is when I modify file on disk, it's not reported. When I use additional filters like SIZE or LAST_WRITE I get changes reported few times. Is there some combination which will report file change only once?




----- Original Message -----
From: "Tomek Paczkowski" <>
Newsgroups: comp.lang.ruby
To: "ruby-talk ML" <>
Sent: Tuesday, April 15, 2008 9:45 PM
Subject: win32-changenotify and modifying a file


I'm working with win32-changenofity library to listen for any changes in
a directory. I'm interested in added, deleted and modified files. That's
my code:

filter = ChangeNotify::FILE_NAME | ChangeNotify::DIR_NAME
abs_path = File.expand_path(dir), true, filter) do |cn|
  cn.wait do |events|
    events.each do |event|
      puts(event.action, event.file_name)

The problem is when I modify file on disk, it's not reported. When I use
additional filters like SIZE or LAST_WRITE I get changes reported few
times. Is there some combination which will report file change only once?


It's a feature of ChangeNotify.
You could filter duplicate event like this:

filter = ChangeNotify::FILE_NAME | ChangeNotify::DIR_NAME | ChangeNotify::LAST_WRITE
abs_path = File.expand_path(dir)
pre_event = nil, true, filter) do |cn|
   cn.wait do |events|
     events.each do |event|
       next if [event.action,event.file_name] == pre_event
       pre_event = [event.action,event.file_name]
       puts(event.action, event.file_name)


Park Heesob

Park Heesob wrote:

It's a feature of ChangeNotify.
You could filter duplicate event like this:

filter = ChangeNotify::FILE_NAME | ChangeNotify::DIR_NAME | ChangeNotify::LAST_WRITE
abs_path = File.expand_path(dir)
pre_event = nil, true, filter) do |cn|
   cn.wait do |events|
     events.each do |event| next if [event.action,event.file_name] == pre_event
       pre_event = [event.action,event.file_name]
       puts(event.action, event.file_name)

And what if I modify same file two times in a row? I could count events, as there are 4 for modification. Wouldn't it be better to use changejournal and filter in only "close" actions?

