All all! I'm a newbie here, please look my example code:
r = Page.find :all, :conditions => "is_default = 'true'"
assert_equal 1, r.length
r = Page.create NEW_INSTANCE_DATA
assert !r.new_record?
r = Page.find :first, :conditions => "name = 'privacy_policy'"
assert_not_nil r
assert r.is_default
if I writing this way~ it there any effect to saving memory?
(because I think the old instance are always released in time.)
The instance is released any time after the interpreter detects you
don't use it any more. That means:
1. if you assign another object to 'r' you lose the previous value and
it's ready to be destroyed.
2. the same effect you can achieve using different vars (a,b,c etc.)
if you assign nil to them (a = Page.find.... ; a = nil; b= etc.)
3. you can never tell when the garbage collecting will take place. you
just know it will happen sometime.
On 2/23/07, a_a <aldwis@gmail.com> wrote:
All all! I'm a newbie here, please look my example code:
r = Page.find :all, :conditions => "is_default = 'true'"
assert_equal 1, r.length
r = Page.create NEW_INSTANCE_DATA
assert !r.new_record?
r = Page.find :first, :conditions => "name = 'privacy_policy'"
assert_not_nil r
assert r.is_default
if I writing this way~ it there any effect to saving memory?
(because I think the old instance are always released in time.)