Wikiwiki and authentication

Looking a ruwiki (and others) it seems there is a great range
of wikis to choose from, but they all seem to lack one
problem. There doesn’t seem to be any information floating
around about how to extend any of these to use different
authentication methods. I’m intending to deploy a wiki at
work. This seems to be a great opportunity to get ruby in by
the side door, however, to do this it will need to be able to
authenticate off the existing domain server. This could be
done using either via samba or pam. Having no wish to
re-invent the wheel, has anyone tried this in the past?

At this point, Ruwiki supports no authentication mechanism at all. This
will change, and I hope to make it so that authentication plugins can be
written for this purpose. If you run ruwiki as a CGI under IIS (I think
it will work), then you can take advantage of the login that way; it’s
merely a matter of protecting the CGI appropriately under IIS.



austin ziegler *

In that case can I suggest two more features to add,

  • attachments - so you can attach images (embedded or otherwise) and
    other files in the edit page.
  • scripting for trusted users. What I’m thinking here is that I’d like
    to be able to write a module to help track requirements for projects
    and have lines blur between it and ruwiki. Even if the its eruby or
    iowa like. Consider the following contrived example,

---- Start example —
<% req = %>
= Project requirements
== Outline and Background
blah blah blah
== Major Requirements
<%req.each { |x|
puts ‘#{x.number} #{x.description}

— End Example —

That’s off the top of my head it needs more thought. I’ll have to take
a look at the calendar extension to see if I’m barking up the wrong

BTW, I like the project idea.

Now I’ve opened my big mouth I’ll have to start coding :-).



On 12/05/2004, at 11:33 PM, Austin Ziegler wrote:

Looking a ruwiki (and others) it seems there is a great range
of wikis to choose from, but they all seem to lack one
problem. There doesn’t seem to be any information floating
around about how to extend any of these to use different
authentication methods. I’m intending to deploy a wiki at
work. This seems to be a great opportunity to get ruby in by
the side door, however, to do this it will need to be able to
authenticate off the existing domain server. This could be
done using either via samba or pam. Having no wish to
re-invent the wheel, has anyone tried this in the past?

At this point, Ruwiki supports no authentication mechanism at all. This
will change, and I hope to make it so that authentication plugins can
written for this purpose. If you run ruwiki as a CGI under IIS (I think
it will work), then you can take advantage of the login that way; it’s
merely a matter of protecting the CGI appropriately under IIS.


austin ziegler *