I'm trying to set up a wiki on an AIX box at work for use by the sysadmin team and I'm looking for suggestions. Here's what I've tried so far:
Pandora. Looks good, but I think there's an issue with the licence that would prevent me from being able to use it at work.
Instiki. After messing with it for a couple of hours and installing an obnoxious batch of prerequisites, it still doesn't work. Maybe it used to be good, but now it needs a lot of cleanup and care.
Ruwiki. Austin is a really sharp guy, but he hasn't released any updates since 2004. That worries me a bit.
So, what do y'all suggest? Ruby based would be nice, I already have ruby on the system.
-- Matt
It's not what I know that counts. It's what I can remember in time to use.
I think somewhere along the line, the Pragmatic Programmers once
recommended UseModWiki, and it's become somewhat of a staple in the
Ruby community. It's written in Perl, and is pretty simple to set up
and use... though I still don't understand its notion of user and
admin passwords.
If it's only going to be used on an intranet, you might go with
something very simple like UseMod. An even simpler looking wiki is
PikiPiki (http://sourcefrog.net/projects/piki/\). It's written in
Python, and seems to be *very* basic. The fancier wiki named
"MoinMoin" originally sprung from the loins of PikiPiki.
On 6/12/06, Matt Lawrence <matt@technoronin.com> wrote:
I'm trying to set up a wiki on an AIX box at work for use by the sysadmin
team and I'm looking for suggestions. Here's what I've tried so far:
So, what do y'all suggest? Ruby based would be nice, I already have ruby
on the system.
Matt Lawrence wrote:
I'm trying to set up a wiki on an AIX box at work for use by the sysadmin team and I'm looking for suggestions. Here's what I've tried so far:
Pandora. Looks good, but I think there's an issue with the licence that would prevent me from being able to use it at work.
Instiki. After messing with it for a couple of hours and installing an obnoxious batch of prerequisites, it still doesn't work. Maybe it used to be good, but now it needs a lot of cleanup and care.
Ruwiki. Austin is a really sharp guy, but he hasn't released any updates since 2004. That worries me a bit.
So, what do y'all suggest? Ruby based would be nice, I already have ruby on the system.
I'm a big fan of DokuWiki. Its PHP, but you don't have to mess with it, just some config things and it works great, with sweet features.
A big plus for me is that it stores files on disk, as plain text. I think this is configurable if you really think you need a DB.
James Britt
"Take eloquence and wring its neck."
- Paul Verlaine
I'm trying to set up a wiki on an AIX box at work for use by the sysadmin
team and I'm looking for suggestions. Here's what I've tried so far:
So, what do y'all suggest? Ruby based would be nice, I already have ruby
on the system.
This is very much a function of what you need it for.
My favourite "enterprise grade" wiki is Confluence[1]. It's in Java,
so presumably will work on AIX. Admitedly I only use it, never set it
If you need something for only a small group to share info and get
stuff done, may I suggest Pimki[2]? It's a snap to set up (gem or SVN
snapshot) and gives you a few more bits for playing with information
than a standard wiki, but a few less when it comes to bells and
whistles. (The fact that I write it in no way means I'm biased
[1] Confluence | Your Remote-Friendly Team Workspace | Atlassian
[2] http://pimki.rubyforge.org
On 6/13/06, Matt Lawrence <matt@technoronin.com> wrote:
I'm using Hiki[Hiki - FrontPage]. It stores data in plain text files,
is very featureful (lots of plugins) and can be extended trivially (I
modified/created several plugins for eigenclass.org: math rendering with
troff, syntax highlighting for Ruby, blog-like node aggregation, enhanced RSS
plugin, etc.).
On Tue, Jun 13, 2006 at 09:15:37AM +0900, Matt Lawrence wrote:
I'm trying to set up a wiki on an AIX box at work for use by the sysadmin
team and I'm looking for suggestions. Here's what I've tried so far:
Pandora. Looks good, but I think there's an issue with the licence that
would prevent me from being able to use it at work.
Instiki. After messing with it for a couple of hours and installing an
obnoxious batch of prerequisites, it still doesn't work. Maybe it used to
be good, but now it needs a lot of cleanup and care.
Ruwiki. Austin is a really sharp guy, but he hasn't released any updates
since 2004. That worries me a bit.
So, what do y'all suggest? Ruby based would be nice, I already have ruby
on the system.
Mauricio Fernandez - http://eigenclass.org - singular Ruby
But I would have to mess with building PHP. Sometimes quite an adventure on AIX.
And, I am very grateful to the folks who figured out how to build ruby on AIX. It's wonderful to have it available.
-- Matt
It's not what I know that counts. It's what I can remember in time to use.
On Tue, 13 Jun 2006, James Britt wrote:
I'm a big fan of DokuWiki. Its PHP, but you don't have to mess with it, just some config things and it works great, with sweet features.
John Gabriele wrote:
I'm trying to set up a wiki on an AIX box at work for use by the sysadmin
team and I'm looking for suggestions. Here's what I've tried so far:
So, what do y'all suggest? Ruby based would be nice, I already have ruby
on the system.
I think somewhere along the line, the Pragmatic Programmers once
recommended UseModWiki, and it's become somewhat of a staple in the
Ruby community. It's written in Perl, and is pretty simple to set up
and use... though I still don't understand its notion of user and
admin passwords.
At the time the prags choose UseMod, there was not a lot of choices for
a Ruby-based wiki. Things have changed quite a bit since then.
Both RuWiki and Instiki are good choices for an easy to setup wiki.
The RubyGarden wiki has migrated away from UseMod, and is not running
Ruse. Ruse is quite a bit younger that either of the above choices, but
has advanced spam control mechanisms if you are thinking about putting
it on the internet. (see http://wikis.onestepback.org/Ruse for more
-- Jim Weirich
On 6/12/06, Matt Lawrence <matt@technoronin.com> wrote:
Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/\.
Another Ruby wiki I consider worth looking at is Soks.
Instiki is no longer easy to set up, it's now a long troublesome installation that I wasn't able to make work.
-- Matt
It's not what I know that counts. It's what I can remember in time to use.
On Wed, 14 Jun 2006, Jim Weirich wrote:
Both RuWiki and Instiki are good choices for an easy to setup wiki.