Why would Webrick use instead of

Someone working through my Rolling with Ruby on Rails tutorial is having
this problem. Does anyone know what could cause it? I pasted the text of
his message below.



– Original Message –
I am using Instant Rails which comes with Rails 1.0, WEBrick 1.3.1 and
Ruby 1.8.2 and I ran the WEBrick server and it starts on and not However, when I tried
to connect to using my browser, a dialog pops up
telling me that “the connection was refused”. Any suggestions on how to
solve this problem?.

Curt Hibbs wrote:

Someone working through my Rolling with Ruby on Rails tutorial is having
this problem. Does anyone know what could cause it? I pasted the text of
his message below.


I am using Instant Rails which comes with Rails 1.0, WEBrick 1.3.1 and
Ruby 1.8.2 and I ran the WEBrick server and it starts on and not However, when I tried
to connect to using my browser, a dialog pops up
telling me that “the connection was refused”. Any suggestions on how to
solve this problem?.

I asked Dave Thomas (via the Errata) what the meant when AWDR
first came out in beta, so he included the answer - it tells the server
to listen on all the host’s IP addresses.

That doesn’t imply that you can point your browser at - although
that’s what DHH does in the Rails movie (and it works for me on the Mac).

On Windows XP, running WEBrick from the Instant Rails command prompt, I
see the same “The connection was refused…” dialog if I try to browse, but there’s no problem with browsing

Thanks for an excellent package… I just have a problem with, I think,
interactions between my normal MySQL installation and the Instant Rails
one. I’ve changed the socket that the Instant Rails MySQL runs on, but
(I just found out when anwering this post) if I try to run the Cookbook
application the attempt to connect to MySQL fails with “access denied”.
My normal MySQL setup has a root password.




– Original Message –

Curt Hibbs wrote:

Someone working through my Rolling with Ruby on Rails tutorial is having
this problem. Does anyone know what could cause it? I pasted the text of
his message below. means "bind to all IP addresses".


Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/\.




On 12/17/05, Andreas S. <f@andreas-s.net> wrote:

Curt Hibbs wrote:
> Someone working through my Rolling with Ruby on Rails tutorial is having
> this problem. Does anyone know what could cause it? I pasted the text of
> his message below. means "bind to all IP addresses".