Why this exception is not caught?


this code works as expected:

class RetryException < RuntimeError; end;

class Something
def do_something
    @i = 3
    rescue RetryException => detail
        p "Retry exceptionxxxx"
        @i += 1
        retry if detail.ok_to_try
        p $!

def get_data(local_i)
    local_i.upto(10) do|t_i|
        if t_i == 5
            raise RetryException.new(true),"Retry exception"
        p t_i

However, if i change second method:

        timeout(6) do
            ret_data = @proxy_con.gets()
        second_part = ret_data.split('##')[1].split(',')
        last_part = second_part[-1]
        ret_echo_id = last_part.split('=')[1]
        #ret_echo_id = "foobar"
        second_part = second_part.join(',')
        p ret_echo_id

        if @v_echo_id != ret_echo_id
            raise RetryException #line 94

        first_part = ret_data.split('##')[0]
        ret_data = first_part + "##" + second_part +"##"
    rescue Timeout::Error
        raise "Timeout Error"
        raise "Some other error"

In this case, when the exception is raised on line # 94, then in the calling
method...it is handled as general rescue...and its not handled as Exception
of Class RetryException.However, if i remove the last rescue statement in
the second method it works alright.


The Road goes ever on and on
Down from the door where it began.
Now far ahead the Road has gone,
And I must follow, if I can,
Pursuing it with eager feet,
Until it joins some larger way
Where many paths and errands meet.
And whither then? I cannot say.

Because that second rescue statement catches any exception which is a
subclass of StandardError, so it catches the RetryException.

Then the statement

     raise "some other error"

raises a RunTimeError with "some other error" as a message.

So the outer method sees the RunTimeError and not the original RetryException.


On 9/11/06, Hemant . <inxs.hemant@gmail.com> wrote:

In this case, when the exception is raised on line # 94, then in the calling
method...it is handled as general rescue...and its not handled as Exception
of Class RetryException.However, if i remove the last rescue statement in
the second method it works alright.

Rick DeNatale

My blog on Ruby