Which racc?

I see that racc is in the distro of Ruby 1.8.0.
It is slightly different than racc-1.4.3.

Can someone tell me which version I should be using?



Jim Freeze

“This is a country where people are free to practice their religion,
regardless of race, creed, color, obesity, or number of dangling
keys …”

Is there a similar function in Ruby to the
highlight_file function of php…this function takes a
file and outputs it in html…




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In mail “Which racc?”

I see that racc is in the distro of Ruby 1.8.0.
It is slightly different than racc-1.4.3.

Can someone tell me which version I should be using?

Racc is composed of a “generator” and a “runtime”.
A generator generates parser classes.
Parser classes works with a runtime.
Racc 1.4.3 includes both of a generator and a runtime.
Ruby 1.8.0 comes with only the racc 1.4.3 runtime.
Runtimes which are included in racc 1.4.3 and ruby 1.8.0
are functionally same one.

In a word:
If you need a generator, use racc 1.4.3.
Otherwise use ruby 1.8.0.

Minero Aoki


Jim Freeze jim@freeze.org wrote:

for f in *.[rb]; do gvim -f +“syn on” +“run! syntax/2html.vim” +“wq” +“q” $f; done

vim is great.



On Thu, 25 Sep 2003, paul vudmaska wrote:

Is there a similar function in Ruby to the
highlight_file function of php…this function takes a
file and outputs it in html…

PHP: highlight_file - Manual


Ara Howard
NOAA Forecast Systems Laboratory
Information and Technology Services
Data Systems Group
R/FST 325 Broadway
Boulder, CO 80305-3328
Email: ara.t.howard@noaa.gov
Phone: 303-497-7238
Fax: 303-497-7259
The difference between art and science is that science is what we understand
well enough to explain to a computer. Art is everything else.
– Donald Knuth, “Discover”
~ > /bin/sh -c ‘for lang in ruby perl; do $lang -e “print "\x3a\x2d\x29\x0a"”; done’


  • Ara.T.Howard; 2003-09-25, 12:57 UTC:

for f in *.[rb]; do
gvim -f +“syn on” +“run! syntax/2html.vim” +“wq” +“q” $f;

The line breaks I inserted don’t break anything else but lines.

‘*.[rb]’ matches file names that either end in ‘.r’ or in ‘.r’. I
think you want to match all files with names ending in ‘.rb’. This is
done as follows:

for f in *.rb

That still doesn’t solve the problem at hand. The task is not to
identify files with names ending in certain characters but
identifying files with certain content. This problem can be solved in
two stages by first identifying the names of all files (in contrast
to directories and other things) and then finding out which of these
files are ruby programs:

for f in $(file $(find . -type f)|grep -i ruby|cut -d : -f1); do

“$(…)” is the POSIX equivalent of “...” that has a major
advantage over the latter form: It can easily be nested.

There is good reason to insist on not mixing up file extensions
with file types. Under Unix and Linux programs may not have any file
extension while still being written in Ruby.

Also note that by

+"colorscheme <name-of-color-scheme>"

+“syntax on”

you can use a different color scheme for syntax highlighting than

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