From: Dan Bikle []
Sent: Friday, September 09, 2005 12:53 AM
To: ruby-talk ML
Subject: 'which' command for Ruby (like csh which?)Hi,
suppose I have,
require "redgreenblue"
runme.rbIs there a way I can tell which
redgreenblue.rb file will get pulled in to runme.rb
at run time?
Check your $LOAD_PATH. Wherever redgreenblue.rb shows up first is the
one Ruby will use.
Most UNIX shells have a 'which' builtin command which
offers similar behavior.If I type
which runme
the builtin which command will tell which runme file
the shell would run should I choose to run it.Thanks.
The 'which' command may tell you where executables are. There's a
File.which method in the 'ptools' package, but again that only looks for
executable files. You could try the "find" package if you really want
to drill through your $LOAD_PATH.
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