Where to post: problem compiling ruby1.8 with borland c 5.5

The ruby-dev is a Japanese list, isn’t it? So where should I post this
----- Forwarded message from KONTRA Gergely kgergely@mlabdial.hit.bme.hu -----


Date: Wed, 2 Jul 2003 23:13:59 +0900
To: ruby-talk@ruby-lang.org (ruby-talk ML)
Subject: problem compiling ruby1.8 with borland c 5.5


I’ve problem compiling ruby-preview 1.8.0-preview3 on win98.
After doing bcc32\configure.bat, when I type make, it simply doesn’t
find the header files.
But I’ve set up the lib and include environment variables BEFORE
----------[ other variables deleted ]----------

The output of make is the following:

MAKE Version 5.2 Copyright (c) 1987, 2000 Borland
Borlandbcc32 -q -O -5 -w- -DRUBY_EXPORT -I. -I. -I./ -I./missing -c
Error E2209 .\win32/win32.h 25: Unable to open include file ‘windows.h’


±[ Kontra, Gergelykgergely@mcl.hu PhD student Room IB113 ]---------+

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±[ Kontra, Gergelykgergely@mcl.hu PhD student Room IB113 ]---------+

http://www.mcl.hu/~kgergely “Olyan langesz vagyok, hogy |
Mobil:(+36 20) 356 9656 ICQ: 175564914 poroltoval kellene jarnom” |
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KONTRA Gergely kgergely@mlabdial.hit.bme.hu writes:

The ruby-dev is a Japanese list, isn’t it? So where should I post this

It is not a bug.

I’ve problem compiling ruby-preview 1.8.0-preview3 on win98.
After doing bcc32\configure.bat, when I type make, it simply doesn’t
find the header files.
But I’ve set up the lib and include environment variables BEFORE
----------[ other variables deleted ]----------

This makes no sense. You should read the readme.txt in \borland\bcc55.

: b. Create a bcc32.cfg file which will set
: the compiler options for the Include
: and Lib paths (-I and -L switches to
: compiler) by adding these lines:
: -I"c:\Borland\Bcc55\include"
: -L"c:\Borland\Bcc55\lib"
: c. Create an ilink32.cfg file which will set
: the linker option for the Lib path by
: adding this line:
: -L"c:\Borland\Bcc55\lib"



Damnit, thx, I hoped the installer’d done it ;(

Everything went fine :slight_smile:


On 0703, WATANABE Hirofumi wrote:

This makes no sense. You should read the readme.txt in \borland\bcc55.

±[ Kontra, Gergelykgergely@mcl.hu PhD student Room IB113 ]---------+
http://www.mcl.hu/~kgergely “Olyan langesz vagyok, hogy |
Mobil:(+36 20) 356 9656 ICQ: 175564914 poroltoval kellene jarnom” |
±- Magyar php mirror es magyar php dokumentacio: http://hu.php.net --+