I’m just starting to do some GUI using Hal Fulton’s excellent intro to
FXRuby in “The Ruby Way”. His first example worked “out of the box.” (I’m
running ruby 1.8.0 (2003-08-04) [i386-mswin32]). The example required "fox"
and included Fox, but I don’t see “fox.rb” anywhere in my Ruby
installation – only a couple of Fox folders. So what satisfied these
require/include statements?
Second, I ran the next example, which in addition to the fox stuff,
required/included “responder”/Responder. That barfed until I added a fully
qualified path to the RUBYLIB env. var., whereupon the dark clouds
dissipated and the sun shone through. If Ruby found Fox in the prev.
example, why couldn’t it find responder.rb in the Fox folder without the
assistance of RUBLIB, suitably initialized?
Third, I’ve got the fully qualifed path to Ruby/lib in the RUBYLIB var.
also. That’s probably redudant, isn’t it? Ruby seems to find stuff in
Ruby/lib without that entry in RUBYLIB.
Thanks in advance,
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