Whats wrong with this script?


$headersumfile = File.open("Header-summary.txt","w");

$finalizerfile = File.open("Finalizers.m","w");

def scanfiles(dirhand, dirname)

  dirhand.each { | fn |
    if (fn == '.' || fn == '..')
    elsif (fn =~ /\.m$/)
      File.open("#{dirname}/#{fn}","r") { | f |
        f.each { | l |
    elsif (fn =~ /\.h$/)
      File.open("#{dirname}/#{fn}","r") { | f |
        f.each { | l |
    elsif (File.directory?("#{dirname}/#{fn}"))



Message from terminal:
emac$ ./extractdata.rb
./extractdata.rb:21:in `scanfiles': private method `puts' called for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError)
  from ./extractdata.rb:20:in `each'
  from ./extractdata.rb:20:in `scanfiles'
  from ./extractdata.rb:19:in `open'
  from ./extractdata.rb:19:in `scanfiles'
  from ./extractdata.rb:9:in `each'
  from ./extractdata.rb:9:in `scanfiles'
  from ./extractdata.rb:25:in `scanfiles'
  from ./extractdata.rb:9:in `each'
  from ./extractdata.rb:9:in `scanfiles'
  from ./extractdata.rb:31
Work Directory: ~/Desktop/Drawkit/DrawKit/Trunk :

The script are supposed to copy objective source and header files to a pair of files.
The directory to be scanned exists in my current work directory.
Can someone please help


Skinheads are so tired of immigration, that they are going to move to a country that don't accept immigrants!
Tommy Nordgren

Tommy Nordgren wrote:


Typo: there is no variable $headersumfilefile, only $headersumfile.



NP: J.B.O. - La Ichobein
Jabber: sepp2k@jabber.org
ICQ: 205544826

* Sebastian Hungerecker <sepp2k@googlemail.com> (00:40) schrieb:

Tommy Nordgren wrote:


Typo: there is no variable $headersumfilefile, only $headersumfile.

That seems to be another reason not to use global variables.

mfg, simon .... l