What's wrong with this recursive function?


I've just started learning Ruby, and for a first project, I decided to
make a Sudoku solver. I've done this in Java before, and tried a similar
approach with Ruby. First, the program tries to solve the puzzle with
logic. This parts works fine, but when the logic fails, I try to use
brute force instead, using one of the familiar recursive/backtracking
algorithms that's found around the web. The problem is that the function
seems to terminate before completing the first row!
The code is pretty much identical to the Java code, so I guess it's
something about Ruby and variable declaration that I'm missing...
anyways, here's the recursive part of the program, hope you can help! If
you see anything that could be done in a more clever way apart from the
algorithm, please suggest it as well, I'm trying to learn all the nice
stuff in Ruby that makes life easier.

#!/usr/bin/ruby -w

def solve(i,j,grid)

  #termination condition
  if j==9 #completed one row, start next
    if i==9 #then we're done!
      return true

  #we don't want to test for given values, so
  #jump to next cell
  return solve(i,j+1,grid) if grid[i*9+j] != 0

  #recursive part.
  #check each value for this cell,
  #if value gets set, continue with next cell
  for value in 1..9
    if possible(i,j,value,grid)
      return true if solve(i,j+1,grid)


#checks if value can be placed in this cell without
#conflicts in rows, columns or boxes
def possible(i,j,value,grid)

  #checks row
  row = i*9
  return false if grid[row...row+9].index(value)!=nil

  #checks column
  col = j
  for i in 0..8
    if grid[i*9+col]==value
      return false

  #checks box
  #integer math to find start of box
  for i in i0...i0+3
    for j in j0...j0+3
      if grid[i*9+j]==value
        return false

  #value not found, so it's a possible choice for this cell
  return true


#prints grid to screen
def to_screen(grid)
  string = ''
  for i in 0..8
    for j in 0..8
    string += ' ' + grid[i*9 + j].to_s
    puts string

#reads puzzle from textfile
def init_grid(filename)

  input_file = File.new(filename,'r')


  while line = input_file.gets
    for num in line.split

  return grid

filename = ARGV[0]

#Initialize simple array
grid = init_grid(filename)
puts "Problem to solve:"
puts ''

if solve(0,0,grid)
  puts "Problem solved!"
  puts "Couldn't solve problem..."


Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.

Here's an input file of a simple puzzle, btw...

1 0 3 7 0 6 0 0 8
0 5 0 3 0 0 0 1 0
0 0 9 0 0 4 5 0 7
4 0 2 8 0 5 0 9 6
0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0
6 3 0 9 0 7 2 0 1
7 0 6 4 0 0 3 0 0
0 9 0 0 0 8 0 7 0
5 0 0 2 0 3 4 0 9


Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.

very quickly look

  #checks column
  col = j
  for i in 0..8
    if grid[i*9+col]==value
      return false

  #checks box
  #integer math to find start of box

     # 'i' is always == 8 (see the loop 'for')


     # useless (#to_i) and false

moulon% ruby -e 'i = 1; p i/3'

  for i in i0...i0+3

Guy Decoux

From: Knut erik Teigen
Sent: Thursday, August 03, 2006 12:21 PM

I've just started learning Ruby, and for a first project, I


#!/usr/bin/ruby -w

def solve(i,j,grid)

  #termination condition
  if j==9 #completed one row, start next
    if i==9 #then we're done!
      return true

  #we don't want to test for given values, so
  #jump to next cell
  return solve(i,j+1,grid) if grid[i*9+j] != 0

  #recursive part.
  #check each value for this cell,
  #if value gets set, continue with next cell
  for value in 1..9
    if possible(i,j,value,grid)
      return true if solve(i,j+1,grid)

You want to return nil or false here.
Plus something like grid[i*9+j]=0 is missing.


#checks if value can be placed in this cell without
#conflicts in rows, columns or boxes
def possible(i,j,value,grid)

  #checks row
  row = i*9
  return false if grid[row...row+9].index(value)!=nil

  #checks column
  col = j
  for i in 0..8

this destroys your parameter 'i'

    if grid[i*9+col]==value
      return false

  #checks box
  #integer math to find start of box
  for i in i0...i0+3
    for j in j0...j0+3
      if grid[i*9+j]==value
        return false

  #value not found, so it's a possible choice for this cell
  return true

... snip ...



Hi again,

here is a little refined version:


def solve(i,j,grid)
  i, j = i+1, 0 if j == 9
  return true if i == 9 #then we're done!

  #we don't want to test for given values, so
  #jump to next cell
  return solve(i, j+1, grid) if grid[i*9+j].nonzero?

  #recursive part.
  #check each value for this cell,
  #if value gets set, continue with next cell
  (1..9).each do |value|
    if possible(i, j, value, grid)
      return true if solve(i, j+1, grid)
  return false

#checks if value can be placed in this cell without
#conflicts in rows, columns or boxes
def possible(i, j, value, grid)
  #checks row
  return false if grid[i*9, 9].any?{|v| v == value}

  #checks column
  return false if (0..8).any?{|row| grid[row*9+j] == value}

  #checks box
  #integer math to find start of box
  i0, j0=(i/3) * 3, (j/3) * 3

  #last value is returned
  (i0...i0+3).all? do |i|
    grid[i*9+j0, 3].all?{|v| v != value}

#prints grid to screen
def to_screen(grid)
  9.times{|i| puts grid[i*9, 9].join(' ')}

#reads puzzle from textfile
def init_grid(filename)
  IO.readlines(filename).map do |line|
    line.chomp.split.map{|num| num.to_i}

filename = 'input.txt'

#Initialize simple array
grid = init_grid(filename)
puts "Problem to solve:"
puts ''

if solve(0, 0, grid)
  puts "Problem solved!"
  puts "Couldn't solve problem..."

Hope that gives some new ideas..



Wow, thanks a lot for the help!
It's typical, when you get so caught up in the algorithm, you miss
stupid errors like the i parameter...:stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks for the "ruby-fying" of the code, Simon. Right now, I find my own
version a bit more readable, but I guess that's just because I've coded
in Java and C for so long. It's definitely fun to code in Ruby, though,
so I'll stick to it:)
Anyways, off to implement this in my OO-version!


Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.