What is dup?

I am playing with an example in the ruby cookbook where a shuffle function is added to the array class:

class Array

   def shuffle!
     each_index do |i|
       j = rand(length-i) + i
       self[j], self[i] = self[i], self[j]

   def shuffle


What I don't understand is the line "dup.shuffle!"

What is the dup object?


dup returns a copy (duplicate) of the object. In the above code, it is
used to let you get back a shuffled copy of the Array, without
shuffling the original.

ri Object#dup
for more info.


On 1/16/07, David Madden <moose56@gmail.com> wrote:

I am playing with an example in the ruby cookbook where a shuffle
function is added to the array class:

class Array

   def shuffle!
     each_index do |i|
       j = rand(length-i) + i
       self[j], self[i] = self[i], self[j]

   def shuffle


What I don't understand is the line "dup.shuffle!"

What is the dup object?

> I am playing with an example in the ruby cookbook where a shuffle
> function is added to the array class:
> class Array
> def shuffle!
> each_index do |i|
> j = rand(length-i) + i
> self[j], self[i] = self[i], self[j]
> end
> end
> def shuffle
> dup.shuffle!
> end
> end
> What I don't understand is the line "dup.shuffle!"
> What is the dup object?

I think a wordier but equivalent way of doing that is:

return self.dup.shuffle!

That just means "duplicate myself, shuffle the duplicate, then return it."


On 1/16/07, Wilson Bilkovich <wilsonb@gmail.com> wrote:

On 1/16/07, David Madden <moose56@gmail.com> wrote:

dup returns a copy (duplicate) of the object. In the above code, it is
used to let you get back a shuffled copy of the Array, without
shuffling the original.

ri Object#dup
for more info.

