What GUI toolkit do you use and why?

Well I have developed GUIs in Python using wxPython so I am not too new
to GUI building but I was wondering which GUI toolkit do you guys use? I
have googled GUI toolkits and I am pretty impressed with the "fxRuby"
toolkit but which ones do you guys suggest?


Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.

Hey You wrote:

Well I have developed GUIs in Python using wxPython so I am not too new
to GUI building but I was wondering which GUI toolkit do you guys use?

This thread comes up fairly frequently; it's worth searching the list archives, though bear in mind that some posts may be out of date now.

If you've used wxPython before, you might consider wxRuby (http://wxruby.rubyforge.org) which is a binding to the same library. Historically it has been less mature and complete than other bindings but has had a lot of development over the past twelve months.

have googled GUI toolkits and I am pretty impressed with the "fxRuby"
toolkit but which ones do you guys suggest?

fxRuby is widely used and is a robust port; QtRuby and Ruby-gtk are both excellent GUI toolkits for ruby. They all have strengths and weaknesses and in the end it will depend on your criteria; things you might consider:

- documentation and samples
- the aesthetics and behaviour of the toolkit on different platforms
- range of widgets, particularly the ones you definitely need
- maturity, stability and completeness
- community and development activity
- style of the API
- ease of installation on different platforms


Hey You wrote:

Well I have developed GUIs in Python using wxPython so I am not too new
to GUI building but I was wondering which GUI toolkit do you guys use? I
have googled GUI toolkits and I am pretty impressed with the "fxRuby"
toolkit but which ones do you guys suggest?

