What ist this? Prog.Ruby says, that by "hash = Hash.new("")" hash has a
default value for missing keys.
How can I set a value for a keys with the <<-method?
When you write this :
1) ruby return the default value for the hash ('a' don't exist as a key)
2) concatenate "b" to this default value (see String#<<)
Finally you have modified the default value for the hash, and you can see
this here :
} r> hash = Hash.new("")
} r> => {}
} r> hash["a"] << "b"
} When you write this :
} 1) ruby return the default value for the hash ('a' don't exist as a key)
} 2) concatenate "b" to this default value (see String#<<)
} Finally you have modified the default value for the hash, and you can see
} this here :
} r> hash["alskj"]
} r> => "b"
} ruby now give the new default value