Having trouble finding a sound method that doesn't break when waiting
for a file to appear. My initial approach was this:
while File.exists?( "filename" ) == false
sleep( 5 )
This worked for a while, but doesn't seem to be robust.
What do you mean by not robust?
I then tried this:
until File.exists?( "filename" )
sleep( 5 )
Which also doesn't seem to work.
`while !condition' and `until condition' are exactly the same
(like `if !condition' and `unless condition').
I'm running Ruby 1.8.7.
Unless you have a good reason to specifically use 1.8.7,
you should upgrade, it's not maintained by the Ruby core team anymore.
Is there a better way to do this?
There already are a couple of gems to watch directories or files,
have a look at e.g. the `fssm' gem or at `Guard', both should work
on all common platforms. But without knowing what exactly you want
to achieve, it's difficult to make a specific recommendation.
Example for fssm:
require 'fssm'
# monitor all txt files in the working directory
FSSM.monitor('.', '*.txt') do
create {|base, relative| puts "File #{relative} has been created" }
update {|base, relative| puts "File #{relative} has been updated" }
delete {|base, relative| puts "File #{relative} has been deleted" }
Of course, instead of just printing a message you could trigger
arbitrary actions.
Am 26.07.2013 00:42, schrieb Thomas Luedeke:
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