[VERY OT - TO BENNY] Re: [Q] drb, Session::Bash & FreeBSD

to list -

   very, very, very sorry for noise. benny and i are having a time
   communicating in order to debug a possible session issue...

to benny -

   our email is working again. i tried both your addresses below and both got
   bounced several times. i would like to pursue a few debugging ideas if we
   can get some reliable communication going - if email fails perhaps we can IM
   or something.

kind regards.




EMAIL :: Ara [dot] T [dot] Howard [at] noaa [dot] gov
PHONE :: 303.497.6469
When you do something, you should burn yourself completely, like a good
bonfire, leaving no trace of yourself. --Shunryu Suzuki


---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sun, 24 Oct 2004 15:11:22 +0200
From: Benny <linux@marcrenearns.de>
To: ara.t.howard@noaa.gov
Subject: Re: [OT - TO BENNY] Re: [Q] drb, Session::Bash & FreeBSD

just saw your reply. tried several times to send you some email :(.

you can try linux@marcrenearns.de if listen@marcrenearns.de wont work.



ara howard wrote:


i have several thoughts on this, but have not been able to contact you
offline - all messages to the address in this message are bouncing...

can you contact me @ ara.t.howard[at]noaa.gov with your address so we
don't have to bore everyone else with this?

