Rick Tan wrote:
Is there a way in Ruby to use the content of a variable as the name of a
variable. For example
var1 = 'myVar'
i want to assign a value to 'myVar' by referencing var1. The name of
the variable can vary depending on the content of var1.
If you're talking about "myVar" being the name of a *local* variable,
then usually this means you're trying to solve the wrong problem
The normal solution is for var1 to refer to one of the following.
(1) an instance variable of an object
var1 = '@foo'
val = obj.instance_variable_get(var1)
obj.instance_variable_set(var1, val + 1)
(You can omit 'obj.' if you're talking about instance variables of the
'self' object)
(2) a method name
var1 = "foo"
obj.send(var1, 2, 3) # same as obj.foo(2,3)
var1 = "foo="
obj.send(var1, 4) # same as obj.foo = 4
(3) a constant or a class name
var1 = "String"
klass = Object.const_get(var1)
str = klass.new # same as str = String.new
require 'net/http'
var1 = "HTTP"
klass = Net.const_get(var1)
klass.new(...) # same as Net::HTTP.new(...)
application include using a variable to hold the name of a class method
which i need to call in my code.
For that you use "send":
MyClass.send(var1, arg, arg...)
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