reuben doetsch wrote:
I would like to get the name of the variable in string form, any way
this is
var = 5
puts #Want this ti put var
Well, you can do this the other way round:
varname = "foo"
eval("#{varname} = 5")
puts varname
But you almost certainly *don't* want to do this. This is abuse of both
local variables and eval, and it means you're solving the wrong problem,
or solving the problem in the wrong way.
Things you might reasonably do dynamically are:
* invoke methods on an object
obj = "hello"
meth = "upcase"
p obj.send(meth) # "HELLO"
* set and read instance variables of an object
obj =
ivar = "@foo"
obj.instance_variable_set(ivar, 5)
p obj.instance_variable_get(ivar) # 5
* locate a constant or class by name
klassname = "String"
klass = Object.const_get(klassname)
obj =
p obj # ""
* add methods in a module to an object
module Foo
def double
self * 2
obj = "hello"
obj.extend Foo
p obj.double # "hellohello"
* define new methods in a class or an object
Leave this one until you know the language more deeply 
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