Variable Assignment Callback(s)?

I need a callback for variable assignment; instance variable assignment is the most important, but others would be an even greater plus. I was searching for a solution and stumbled across this, apparently from some past Ruby Talk thread from before my time here. I was wondering if any of the potential variable assignment callbacks besides global scope have been fulfilled? Anybody know?


   Class creation Class#inherited, AClass#new
   Class reopening/closing
   Module creation
   Module reopening/closing
   Method definition Module#method_added
   Method removal Module#method_removed
   Method undef Module#method_undefined
   Singleton-Method definition Object#singleton_method_added
   Singleton-method deletion Object#singelton_method_removed
   Singleton-method undef Object#singelton_method_undefined
   Constant assignment*
   Global variable assignment Kernel#trace_var**
   Class variable assignment
   Instance variable assignment
   Local variable assignment
   Module inclusion Module::included, Module#append_features
   Module extension Module::extended, Module#extend_object
   Missing Method Object#method_missing
   Missing Constant Module#const_missing
   Object Destruction ObjectSpace#*_finalizer
   Program Termination Kernel#at_exit

   * Constant assignment may encompass class and module creation (?)
   ** Actually a trace rather then a callback
   ++ set_trace_func is not included, it is a separate "universal" catch-all

- Jake McArthur

Well, you can test it easily youself can't you?

Btw, another solution is to change attr_reader, attr and attr_writer
to automatically define methods that will invoke callbacks. If you
then in your code use accessors all the time you'll get notfied of
assignments pretty easy. But: you won't see changes in Array and Hash
that way (you probably won't using instance variable callbacks




2006/5/15, Jake McArthur <>:

I need a callback for variable assignment; instance variable
assignment is the most important, but others would be an even greater
plus. I was searching for a solution and stumbled across this,
apparently from some past Ruby Talk thread from before my time here.
I was wondering if any of the potential variable assignment callbacks
besides global scope have been fulfilled? Anybody know?