“Sam Sungshik Kong” ssk@chol.nospam.net schrieb im Newsbeitrag
In ruby FAQ, I find the following code.
def addOne(n)
n += 1
This code is misleading. It should read
def addOne(n)
n + 1
There is no point in the assignment to n since n is nowhere else used in the
a = 1
addOne(a) # → 2
a # → 1
According to the manual, Fixnum is a value type.
Then the argument ‘a’ must be changed in-place.
No. It would have to be changed in place if Ruby would support call by
reference - which it doesn’t.
Am I misunderstanding?
It seems so. n is not an alias for a but points to the same instance. n +
1 returns a new instance that is assigned to n by having “n += 1”. The
instance pointed to by a is not changed. (Numbers are immutable).