Value returned from code block

I've read that in Ruby the value returned from a code block is the value of the last expression executed. Is it so? If Yes, I don't understand the value returned by the following code block!

  def clistIter
    clist = [1, 2, 3]
    clist.each do |elem|

  clistIter { |e| print e }

  ## output in irb:
  ## 123 => [1, 2, 3]


  ## returned value:
  ## => [1, 2, 3]

   Can someone explain how come an array is returned as result?

_ _ _]{5pitph!r3}[_ _ _
“I'm smart enough to know that I'm dumb.”
   - Richard P Feynman

   I've read that in Ruby the value returned from a code block is the
value of the last expression executed. Is it so? If Yes, I don't
understand the value returned by the following code block!


        ## returned value:
        ## => [1, 2, 3]

   Can someone explain how come an array is returned as result?

In ruby 1.8 assignment always returns rvalue.




  I've read that in Ruby the value returned from a code block is the value of the last expression executed. Is it so? If Yes, I don't understand the value returned by the following code block!

    def clistIter
        clist = [1, 2, 3]
        clist.each do |elem|

    clistIter { |e| print e }

    ## output in irb:
    ## 123 => [1, 2, 3]
    ## returned value:
    ## => [1, 2, 3]

  Can someone explain how come an array is returned as result?

Because #each ignores all return values from the block (it is invoked once per element visited) and chooses to return self. This is how it could look like internally (it's coded in C of course):

>> class Array
>> def demo_each
>> for i in 0...length
>> yield self[i]
>> end
>> self
>> end
=> nil
>> [1,2,3].demo_each {|e| p e; 666}
=> [1, 2, 3]

Kind regards



On 25.12.2006 18:08, Spitfire wrote:

> Can someone explain how come an array is returned as result?

In ruby 1.8 assignment always returns rvalue.

I should have read more carefully. What I said is true, but has
nothing to do with
your case, sorry for the noise.


