Hello all together,
today I upgrade from Ruby 1.82 to 1.85-21, I installed it under windows with the one-click-installer. Most of my previous work works without a change, but I cannot get Tk working. Let me explain what is happening:
1. For 1.82, I installed ActiveTcl (Version 8332), and copied some of the libraries to ruby.
2. I tried that as well in the new ruby installation, but when I want to use Tk, ruby feezes, and I don't get any feedback (no error, nothing).
3. I removed the copied libraries, and tried just to use Tk in IRB.
- Start IRB, then "require 'tk'"
==> D:\programme\tcl\ActiveTcl8332>irb
irb(main):001:0> require 'tk'
Then ruby is frozen, and I have to kill the process.
What am I missing here? Is Tk in the one-click-installer not included (seems so). What are the prerequisits for ruby to use tk widgets in ruby? Is it necessary to have the tcl/tk binaries in the path under windows?
It would be nice if you had any idea how to locate the error. At the moment, I don't have a clue.
Markus Liebelt schrieb:
Hello all together,
today I upgrade from Ruby 1.82 to 1.85-21, I installed it under windows with the one-click-installer. Most of my previous work works without a change, but I cannot get Tk working.
Tk is not part of the one-click-installer any more. See change note:
* Updated release notes to mention that the install now
only contains bindings to Tcl/Tk and that to use Tcl/Tk
you must install it (recommending ActiveTcl).
Wolfgang Nádasi-Donner
Message-ID: <op.tm6uo2et869msv@lpmliebelt.muc1.sl-si.com>
today I upgrade from Ruby 1.82 to 1.85-21, I installed it under windows
with the one-click-installer. Most of my previous work works without a
1. For 1.82, I installed ActiveTcl (Version 8332), and copied some of the
libraries to ruby.
Possibly, one-click-installer 185 supports Tcl/Tk8.4 only
(see [ruby-talk:235589]).
If it is true, you have to use ActiveTcl8.4.x.
From: "Markus Liebelt" <mliebelt@web.de>
Subject: Using Tk in Ruby 185
Date: Sun, 4 Feb 2007 04:55:09 +0900
Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
Thank you a lot. After installing the current Tcl Environment, the application is working again. One subtlety I have now:
The Startup-command:
D:\programme\ruby\ruby185-21\bin\ruby.exe c:\users\mliebelt\ruby\biblio\tk-gui.rb
had to be changed. Previously, the rubyw.exe worked (so no DOS-window) was seen. After checking the files again, I have noticed, that I inserted some puts commands into one file. Could it be, that ruby dies when it sees a puts, but was started with the rubyw-executable?
But anyway, the things are working again. Thanks a lot to all that helped.
On Sun, 04 Feb 2007 05:34:36 +0100, Hidetoshi NAGAI <nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp> wrote:
From: "Markus Liebelt" <mliebelt@web.de>
Subject: Using Tk in Ruby 185
Date: Sun, 4 Feb 2007 04:55:09 +0900
Message-ID: <op.tm6uo2et869msv@lpmliebelt.muc1.sl-si.com>
today I upgrade from Ruby 1.82 to 1.85-21, I installed it under windows
with the one-click-installer. Most of my previous work works without a
1. For 1.82, I installed ActiveTcl (Version 8332), and copied some of the
libraries to ruby.
Possibly, one-click-installer 185 supports Tcl/Tk8.4 only
(see [ruby-talk:235589]).
If it is true, you have to use ActiveTcl8.4.x.
Wolfgang Nádasi-donner wrote:
Tk is not part of the one-click-installer any more. See change note:
* Updated release notes to mention that the install now
only contains bindings to Tcl/Tk and that to use Tcl/Tk
you must install it (recommending ActiveTcl).
Wolfgang N�dasi-Donner
Do you know what the reason is? I just started to learn Ruby. I hardly
made the decision between Python and Ruby. Now, Python still has a
distribution with Tk (at least under Windows) and Ruby has not. So I
have to ask my software users also to install ActiveTcl as well as the
Ruby interpreter (total of 45 mb) and hope they won't have any trouble

Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/\.
Canol Gokel wrote:
So I
have to ask my software users also to install ActiveTcl as well as the
Ruby interpreter (total of 45 mb) and hope they won't have any trouble

I've run into this problem myself. ActiveTcl has a somewhat annoying
license as regards redistribution, so I just took the one
click-installer, gutted it and built my own tcl/tk to go with it. So I
have an entire ruby/tk environment in ~6 megs zipped with no
redistribution restrictions. No fancy installer (yet) but it works well
so far...
Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/\.