Using ruby to validate web pages

Hi, just wondering if anybody can tell me what's wrong with this code:

# the Watir gem
require 'rubygems'

# the Watir controller
require 'watir'

# set variables
validator = ""
url1 = ""
url2 = ""
url3 = ""

# open the IE browser
ie =

puts "Beginning validation"

ie.goto validator

ie.text_field(:id, "uri").set(url1)

puts "Checking URL #1....."

ie.button(:value, "Check").click

if ie.text.include? "This Page Is Valid"
    puts "URL#1 validates!"
        "URL#1 does not validate!"


ie.goto validator

ie.text_field(:id, "uri").set(url2)

puts "Checking URL #2....."

ie.button(:value, "Check").click

if ie.text.include? "This Page Is Valid"
    puts "URL#2 validates!"
        "URL #2 does not validate!"


ie.goto validator

ie.text_field(:id, "uri").set(url3)

puts "Checking URL #3....."

ie.button(:value, "Check").click

if ie.text.include? "This Page Is Valid"
    puts "URL#3 validates!"
        "URL #3 does not validate!"


    puts "End of validation"

I get results for URL's #2 and #3, only the 'Checking URL....' and 'End
of validation' messages.


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Hi, just wondering if anybody can tell me what's wrong with this code:

# the Watir gem
require 'rubygems'

# the Watir controller
require 'watir'

# set variables
validator = ""
url1 = ""
url2 = ""
url3 = ""

# open the IE browser
ie =

puts "Beginning validation"

ie.goto validator

ie.text_field(:id, "uri").set(url1)

puts "Checking URL #1....."

ie.button(:value, "Check").click

if ie.text.include? "This Page Is Valid"
    puts "URL#1 validates!"
        "URL#1 does not validate!"


ie.goto validator

ie.text_field(:id, "uri").set(url2)

puts "Checking URL #2....."

ie.button(:value, "Check").click

if ie.text.include? "This Page Is Valid"
    puts "URL#2 validates!"
        "URL #2 does not validate!"


ie.goto validator

ie.text_field(:id, "uri").set(url3)

puts "Checking URL #3....."

ie.button(:value, "Check").click

if ie.text.include? "This Page Is Valid"
    puts "URL#3 validates!"
        "URL #3 does not validate!"


    puts "End of validation"

I get results for URL's #2 and #3, only the 'Checking URL....' and 'End
of validation' messages.

Your are missing the "puts" before the "URL # does not validate"


On Jan 18, 8:54 am, Kate Bond <> wrote:

Posted via wrote:

url1 = ""
ie.text_field(:id, "uri").set(url1)
    puts "URL#2 validates!"

I get results for URL's #2 and #3, only the 'Checking URL....' and 'End
of validation' messages.

Your are missing the "puts" before the "URL # does not validate"

If you had 200 pages to validate, you'd have to correct 200 lines of
Consider this (untested, I don't know Watir):

require 'watir'

# set variables
validator = ";
urls =
urls << ""
urls << ";
urls << ";

# open the IE browser
ie =
puts "Beginning validation"
ie.goto validator # maybe this should be in the block.

urls.each do|url|
  puts "Checking " + url
  ie.text_field(:id, "uri").set(url)
  ie.button(:value, "Check").click
  if ie.text.include? "This Page Is Valid"
    puts url + " validates!"
    url + " does not validate!" #!! This line needs a 'puts' !!
ie.close #or something like it
puts "End of validation"

Both the the list of urls and the code handling this list are now much
easier to maintain.




On Jan 18, 8:54 am, Kate Bond <> wrote:

Posted via\.


Wow! Had to add 'goto validator' to the block but otherwise worked a
treat... Thanks very much! :slight_smile:

# the Watir gem
require 'rubygems'

# the Watir controller
require 'watir'

# set variables
validator = ""
urls =[]
urls << ""
urls << ""
urls << ""

# open the IE browser
ie =
puts "Beginning validation"

urls.each do|url|
  puts "Checking " + url
  ie.goto validator # maybe this should be in the block.
  ie.text_field(:id, "uri").set(url)
  ie.button(:value, "Check").click
  if ie.text.include? "This Page Is Valid"
    puts url + " validates!"
    puts url + " does not validate!" #!! This line needs a 'puts' !!
ie.close #or something like it
puts "End of validation"

I'm very new to Ruby (programming in general, actually) but I wonder if
there is a way to incorporate this into a webpage? This might not seem
much but is going to make my job as a tester a little easier!


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