Looks like the source code has some stuff that didn't make it to the
== Resolv::DNS classDNS stub resolver.=== class methods---
((|config_info|)) should be nil, a string or a hash. If nil is given,
/etc/resolv.conf and platform specific information is used. If a string
is given, it should be a filename which format is same as
/etc/resolv.conf. If a hash is given, it may contains information for
nameserver, search and ndots as follows. Resolv::DNS.new
({:nameserver=>[""], :search=>["ruby-lang.org"], :ndots=>1})
On 6/28/07, barjunk <barjunk@attglobal.net> wrote:
Example ( verified ):
require 'resolv'
Resolv::DNS.open({:nameserver=>[""]}) do |r|
puts r.getaddress("www.google.com")
Hi Adam...
here the nameserver can have any LIVE IP right?? i mean i tried changing
this IP and used one of my own server IPs.. and it worked the same...
please correct me if I am going wrong ....
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