Use yaml


I need to store datas in a file, with add, remove, rotation (3 records max) features.
The datas are username, and the score number.

I heard about YAML. I looked here :
But not too documented.

Does someone can explain me how it works ?
How i can implement that ?

Thank you very much.



​Like it says on the tin: you put a string into
and you get a data structure out; you put a data structure into
and you get a string out.

If you combine that with <Class: File (Ruby 2.3.0);
the world is your mollusc.



On 6 December 2016 at 17:12, Nathan Guilty <> wrote:


I need to store datas in a file, with add, remove, rotation (3 records
max) features.
The datas are username, and the score number.

I heard about YAML. I looked here :\.
But not too documented.

Does someone can explain me how it works ?
How i can implement that ?

Thank you very much.



  Matthew Kerwin

I need to store datas in a file, with add, remove, rotation (3 records max) features.
The datas are username, and the score number.

I heard about YAML. I looked here : Module: YAML (Ruby 1.9.3)
But not too documented.

Does someone can explain me how it works ?
How i can implement that ?

YAML isn’t ruby-specific, so the information on it is somewhere else: (That landing page displays as valid YAML, by the way, and makes for a good crib sheet.)

The Wikipedia page on YAML is also worth visiting; it’s fairly comprehensive.

None of this will actually help with the Syntax of the Ruby YAML library, if that’s what you are really needing. But with a better grounding in the syntax of YAML itself, you may find that the documentation you have found makes more sense?

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I'd like to point out YAML:Store, if you do not care about
handling the file operations and conversion by yourself.

It provides a simple key-value store:

require "yaml/store"

filename = "yaml_store_test.yaml"
store =

# storing some data

store.transaction do
  store[:data] = [2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19]

# reading data

data = store.transaction { store[:data] }
puts "The stored data was: #{data}"



Am 06.12.2016 um 08:18 schrieb Matthew Kerwin:

​Like it says on the tin: you put a string into
and you get a data structure out; you put a data structure into
and you get a string out.

If you combine that with <Class: File (Ruby 2.3.0);
the world is your mollusc.

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