I tried your script, and -h doesn’t output anything. I’m using ruby 1.8.0.
Looking through the reference docs for optparse, there seems to be a
“summarize” method that does what we want.
But I can’t find diddly for examples of more advanced use of optparse. The
stuff at learning-ruby.com and the FIRSTSTEP.ja.html file that comes with
the distribution are very basic.
Does anyone have more examples of using optparase with the summarize method
or any other advanced examples?
I’ve been wanting an easy way to output usage info for my
programs that use GetoptLong, without having to duplicate all
the option information; once for the creation of the
GetoptLong object, and again in a help message. …snip…>Well, you could
try using optparse…
require ‘optparse’
ARGV.options do |options|
options.on(‘-d’, ‘–date=DATE’, String, ‘specify a date’){|v| puts
Nathaniel Talbott (nathaniel@NOSPAMtalbott.ws) wrote:
#{v} passed"}
options.on(‘-q’, ‘–quiet’, ‘be verry quiet’){puts “OK, I’m being very,
very, very quiet… can’t you tell?”}
options.on_tail(‘-h’, ‘–help’, ‘Print this help information’){puts
options; exit}
I believe that’s approximately equal to what you posted. I’ve only just
begun using optparse, but it seems quite powerful and easy to use.
I tried your script, and -h doesn’t output anything. I’m using ruby
jacob:~/tmp ntalbott$ ruby -v t.rb -h
ruby 1.8.1 (2003-11-30) [powerpc-darwin]
Usage: t [options]
-d, --date=DATE specify a date
-q, --quiet be verry quiet
-h, --help Print this help information
jacob:~/tmp ntalbott$ cat t.rb
require ‘optparse’
ARGV.options do |options|
options.on(‘-d’, ‘–date=DATE’, String, ‘specify a date’){|v| puts
“Date #{v} passed”}
options.on(‘-q’, ‘–quiet’, ‘be verry quiet’) do
puts “OK, I’m being very, very, very quiet… can’t you tell?”
options.on_tail(‘-h’, ‘–help’, ‘Print this help information’){puts
options; exit}
Not sure why you had trouble; can you give more details?
But I can’t find diddly for examples of more advanced use of optparse.
stuff at learning-ruby.com and the FIRSTSTEP.ja.html file that comes
the distribution are very basic.
I’ve used http://docs.meg.nu/local-docs/ruby/optparse/optparse.html a
lot; it has an extensive example at the end.
On Nov 30, 2003, at 21:37, Jeff Dickens wrote:
It was a very ruby nuby mistake on my part… I cut and pasted and forgot to
remove the extra carriage returns thereby introduced.
Works fine now. Thanks.
And btw, what’s your signoff “HTH” mean ?
“Nathaniel Talbott” nathaniel@talbott.ws wrote in message
On Nov 30, 2003, at 21:37, Jeff Dickens wrote:
I tried your script, and -h doesn’t output anything. I’m using ruby
jacob:~/tmp ntalbott$ ruby -v t.rb -h
ruby 1.8.1 (2003-11-30) [powerpc-darwin]
Usage: t [options]
-d, --date=DATE specify a date
-q, --quiet be verry quiet
-h, --help Print this help information
jacob:~/tmp ntalbott$ cat t.rb
require ‘optparse’
ARGV.options do |options|
options.on(‘-d’, ‘–date=DATE’, String, ‘specify a date’){|v| puts
“Date #{v} passed”}
options.on(‘-q’, ‘–quiet’, ‘be verry quiet’) do
puts “OK, I’m being very, very, very quiet… can’t you tell?”
options.on_tail(‘-h’, ‘–help’, ‘Print this help information’){puts
options; exit}
Not sure why you had trouble; can you give more details?
But I can’t find diddly for examples of more advanced use of optparse.
stuff at learning-ruby.com and the FIRSTSTEP.ja.html file that comes
the distribution are very basic.
I’ve used http://docs.meg.nu/local-docs/ruby/optparse/optparse.html a
lot; it has an extensive example at the end.
Wow. Very cool.
Thanks for optparse - I’ve found it to be extremely useful. It makes it
so easy to provide command-line usage information for scripts that it’s
almost criminal not to. Not to mention that it also makes it a cinch to
process command-line options.
On Dec 1, 2003, at 02:28, nobu.nokada@softhome.net wrote:
At Mon, 1 Dec 2003 12:07:34 +0900, > Nathaniel Talbott wrote:
ARGV.options do |options|
options.on(‘-d’, ‘–date=DATE’, String, ‘specify a date’){|v|
puts “Date #{v} passed”}
If you really want to accept only dates, you can use Date
instead of String here, with requiring ‘optparse/date’.
It was a very ruby nuby mistake on my part… I cut and pasted and
forgot to
remove the extra carriage returns thereby introduced.
Works fine now. Thanks.
And btw, what’s your signoff “HTH” mean ?
Just an abbrev for “Hope That Helps” 
On Dec 1, 2003, at 13:02, Jeff Dickens wrote: