I used to have an automated process for sending out the c.l.r FAQ,
but it broke and I failed to fix it in a timely manner. My apologies
to the community.
I want to start it up again, but I want to have people review it
1. I probably won't make any "sweeping" changes in it.
2. Post to the list if you think something warrants discussion;
otherwise just email me.
3. There are definitely out-of-date items in it, such as the
link to the Ruby FAQ. Where is that now?
4. Which reminds me: This is only the newsgroup/mailing-list FAQ;
information about the language itself will always be minimal
And Jupp: Let's make sure the English and German versions are
reasonably in sync. I think you have updated yours more recently
than I have.
I used to have an automated process for sending out the c.l.r FAQ,
but it broke and I failed to fix it in a timely manner. My apologies
to the community.
I want to start it up again, but I want to have people review it
1. I probably won't make any "sweeping" changes in it.
2. Post to the list if you think something warrants discussion;
otherwise just email me.
3. There are definitely out-of-date items in it, such as the
link to the Ruby FAQ. Where is that now?
4. Which reminds me: This is only the newsgroup/mailing-list FAQ;
information about the language itself will always be minimal
And Jupp: Let's make sure the English and German versions are
reasonably in sync. I think you have updated yours more recently
than I have.
Hal Fulton
Here's some content you might find useful for inclusion in Section 1.2 ("Where can I find out more about Ruby?").
This is just my collection of online ruby resources categorized in a manner that makes sense to me. I'd love to hear from folks if they have additional links I can add to this collection.
And Jupp: Let's make sure the English and German versions are reasonably in sync.
Where "reasonably" means "as far as
* content
* not specific to German
is concerned."
I think you have updated yours more recently than I have.
I will compare the most recent versions of both and communicate the
differences by PM. I also consider restructuring the German FAQ so
that it also applies to the German ML. This will be done by splitting
it into four parts:
1. general stuff ("do not send HTML")
2. stuff specific to c.l.r/ruby-talk ("only send ASCII!")
3. stuff specific to the German ML ("You may use Latin-1/9 here.")
4. other stuff for Germans (pointers to texts in German)
The information from the English c.l.r FAQ and only that information
will then be in part 1 and 2 thereby making it easier to keep the
English version and these parts in sync.