
Sorry the flood message before. I forgot to type -ctl.

Hm, is there any way to unsubscribe from this list while using yahoo email? I sent emails to ctl list, but it replies that they don't contain any commands. It has to be either problem with encoding or problem with enclosed yahoo advertisement.

I searched for information about this issue, but all I got was this thread stored on google groups with my message at the bottom. Kind of ironic.


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for ruby mailing lists.


Gambler Gluck wrote:


Sorry the flood message before. I forgot to type -ctl.

Hm, is there any way to unsubscribe from this list while using yahoo email? I sent emails to ctl list, but it replies that they don't contain any commands. It has to be either problem with encoding or problem with enclosed yahoo advertisement.

I searched for information about this issue, but all I got was this thread stored on google groups with my message at the bottom. Kind of ironic.

Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com